Salesforce Troubleshooting
Learn how to troubleshoot common issues with Salesforce connections.
Data Integrity
- Destination Column Doesn't Reflect Object's Updated Data Type
- Empty Tables in the Destination
- Fields Containing Data in the Source Contain
Values in the Destination - Manually Updated Values Aren't Reflected in the Destination
- Missing
Table - Missing Values for a Custom Field in a Salesforce Object
- Records Not Deleted From the
Table - Source and Destination Formula Field Value Discrepancies
- Tables or Fields Are Missing From the Destination
- Unable To Locate the
Table - Updates to the Fields of the
Table Not Available in the Destination - Why Are Date Time Fields Different Between Salesforce and My Destination?
- Why Do Salesforce Formula Models Return Fewer Records Than the Corresponding Source Table?
- Why Do Record IDs Contain 15 Characters in Salesforce and 18 in the Destination?
- Why Do Some Formula Fields Translate to
Values? - Why Do Some Records Sync Later Than Expected?
- Why Does the
Table Havenull
Errors, Warnings, and Alerts
- Error: 90% of the API Limit Is Reached
- Error: Authentication Failed. Unable to Request Access Information!
- Error: The Rest API Is Not Enabled for This Organization
- Error: This App Is Blocked by Admin
- Warning: Cannot Select – Doesn't Support LIMIT
- Warning: Directly Querying FeedComment Is Only Supported for Admin Users in Version 23.0 and Higher
- Can I Sync Salesforce Unified Objects Using Fivetran?
- Does Fivetran Sync the List of Salesforce Country and Territory Picklist Options?
- How Does Fivetran Capture Deletes?
- Is the API Name or Text Value Replicated for Picklist Value?
- What Happens to Records That Exist Temporarily?
- Which Salesforce Objects Don't Support History Mode?
- Which Version of the Salesforce API Is Fivetran Using?
- Why Am I Seeing
API Calls in the Connector Logs?
How To
- Check Whether
Values Were Caused by a Connection or Permissions Issue - Check Whether the Connection's Authorizing User Can Access Missing Data
- Connect a Salesforce Sandbox Environment to Fivetran
- Determine When Fivetran Used a REST API Call or a Bulk API Call
- Get the SQL Translation of a Salesforce Formula Field
- Identify Deleted Rows
- Query Points in Time in Salesforce History Mode
- Stop a Table-Level Historical Sync
- Use the Fivetran REST API To Enable the Syncing of Formula Fields
Setup and Configuration
- Can I Connect to Salesforce With an API Only User?
- Error: Authentication Failed. Unable to Request Access Information!
- Error: This App Is Blocked by Admin
- How Can I Change the Salesforce User Authenticated With the Connector?
- How Must I Configure My Schema to Ensure Formula Models and Fields Populate?
- Unable to Select Fields from the Schema Tab
- Warning: Cannot Select – Doesn't Support LIMIT
- Warning: Directly Querying FeedComment Is Only Supported for Admin Users in Version 23.0 and Higher
- Why Am I Unable to Re-Authorize an Existing Connection?
- Does the Salesforce Connector Sync Digital Files?
- Error: 90% of the API Limit Is Reached
- Why Does the
Column Value Update When the Source Data Hasn't Changed? - Why Doesn't the Connector Capture Deletes After Being Paused for 15 Days?
- Why Is My Sync Taking Too Long After Adding a New Table?
- Why Is the Connector Taking Longer Than Usual to Sync My Data?