Microsoft Advertising Microsoft Advertising (formerly known as Bing Ads) is a service that provides pay-per-click advertising for both the Bing and Yahoo search engines. To get an overview of Microsoft Advertising, see its entity hierarchy and limits documentation .
Our Microsoft Advertising connector queries for metadata and performance reports for all your accounts and syncs the data into your destination.
Features Supported deployment models We support the SaaS Deployment model for the connector.
Setup guide Follow our step-by-step Microsoft Advertising setup guide to connect Microsoft Advertising with your destination using Fivetran connectors.
Sync overview Rollback sync A rollback sync is a sync that automatically starts once a day. Rollback syncs capture the changes that happen outside of the incremental sync time frame. You can configure this parameter in the setup form.
NOTE: Fivetran does not automatically capture the conversion window size.
IMPORTANT: Since we only run the rollback once a day, we recommend that you set a greater rollback window size for your Microsoft Advertising connector than your conversion window value set in Microsoft Advertising to capture all conversion data. For example, our default rollback window size of 35 days corresponds to the default Microsoft conversion window value of 30 days .
Multithreading The Microsoft Advertising connector supports multithreading. Fivetran uses multiple parallel API requests to sync Ads data from your Microsoft Advertising account to your destination. The connector’s sync speed depends on your Microsoft Advertising account metadata.
Schema information This schema applies to all Microsoft Advertising connectors.
Microsoft Advertising Schema To zoom, open the ERD in a new window. Schema notes In the ACCOUNT_HISTORY
table, we add last_modified_time
as EPOCH for the accounts
which do not have a last_modified_time
The Microsoft Advertising Bulk API doesn't return deleted entities (for example, campaigns
, ad groups
, ads
, and keywords
). Deleted entities are therefore not included in metadata
tables, but you can still find them in different report
Report Tables These are the report tables synced by our Microsoft Advertising connector.
Expand to see synced report tables and their columns COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists cost_per_assist all_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions_qualified exact_match_impression_share_percent absolute_top_impression_share_percent click_share_percent average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* revenue metrics* impression metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists cost_per_assist exact_match_impression_share_percent impressions average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 phone_impressions phone_calls clicks ctr spend impressions cost_per_conversion ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist all_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions_qualified average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* revenue metrics*
AD_DYNAMIC_TEXT_PERFORMANCE_DAILY_REPORT & AD_DYNAMIC_TEXT_PERFORMANCE_HOURLY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_id ad_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id keyword It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id param_1 It is a part of _fivetran_id param_2 It is a part of _fivetran_id param_3 It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_description ad_description_2 ad_group_name ad_group_status ad_labels ad_status ad_title ad_type all_conversion_rate all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion average_cpc average_cpm clicks conversions_qualified conversion_rate cost_per_conversion ctr destination_url final_app_url final_mobile_url final_url goal_type impressions keyword_status path_1 path_2 spend title_part_1 title_part_2 title_part_3 top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
AD_EXTENSION_DETAIL_DAILY_REPORT & AD_EXTENSION_DETAIL_HOURLY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history campaign_id campaign_history ad_group_id ad_group_history ad_id ad_history date ad_extension_type_id device_type network device_os top_vs_other bid_match_type delivered_match_type account_name campaign_name ad_group_name ad_title ad_extension_type ad_extension_id ad_extension_version ad_extension_property_value impressions clicks ctr conversions conversions_qualified cost_per_conversion conversion_rate spend average_cpc assists revenue return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist revenue_per_conversion revenue_per_assist account_status campaign_status ad_group_status ad_status all_conversions all_conversions_qualified all_revenue all_conversion_rate all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue_per_conversion goal goal_type
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist final_url_suffix custom_parameters exact_match_impression_share_percent absolute_top_impression_share_percent click_share_percent view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* top_impression metrics* absolute_top_impression metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* historical metrics* revenue metrics* impression metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist final_url_suffix custom_parameters exact_match_impression_share_percent impressions view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* top_impression metrics* absolute_top_impression metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 language 🔑 impressions clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists cost_per_assist custom_parameters final_url_suffix view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* historical metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 language 🔑 impressions clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists cost_per_assist final_url_suffix custom_parameters view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 network 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend average_position conversions conversions_qualified conversion_rate cost_per_conversion destination_url assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters final_app_url ad_description ad_description_2 view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* revenue metrics*
AGE_GENDER_AUDIENCE_DAILY_REPORT & AGE_GENDER_AUDIENCE_HOURLY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id age_group It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id gender It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_id ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_revenue assists base_campaign_id campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified extended_cost goal_type impressions revenue spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id audience_id It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Available only for daily reports & Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion association_id association_level association_status audience_name audience_type average_cpc average_cpm base_campaign_id bid_adjustment campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversion_rate conversions Available only for daily reports & Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_conversion ctr goal_type impressions return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_conversion spend targeting_setting top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions Available only for daily reports & Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
BUDGET_SUMMARY_DAILY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history currency_code 🔑 date 🔑 account_name account_number campaign_name daily_spend monthly_budget month_to_date_spend
COLUMN REFERENCE date 🔑 account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 campaign_status clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters exact_match_impression_share_percent absolute_top_impression_share_percent click_share_percent view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* top_impression metrics* absolute_top_impression metrics* impression metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* historical metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE date 🔑 account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 campaign_status clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters exact_match_impression_share_percent impressions view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* top_impression metrics* absolute_top_impression metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 campaign_status impressions clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* historical metrics* revenue metrics* budget metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 network 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 campaign_status impressions clicks ctr spend cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience phone_impressions phone_calls ptr assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* average metrics* conversion metrics* low_quality metrics* revenue metrics* budget metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id keyword_id keyword_history It is a part of _fivetran_id goal_id It is a part of _fivetran_id account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assists campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversion_rate conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr goal goal_type impressions keyword keyword_status return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion spend view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_id ad_history It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id customer_id It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id destination_url It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id delivered_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status ad_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversion_rate conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr customer_name custom_parameters final_app_url final_mobile_url final_url final_url_suffix goal_type impressions return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion spend Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports tracking_template view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_id ad_history It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_strategy_type It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id dynamic_ad_target_id It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversion_rate conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr custom_parameters dynamic_ad_target dynamic_ad_target_status goal_type impressions return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports tracking_template view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue website_coverage
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_id ad_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id category_0 It is a part of _fivetran_id category_1 It is a part of _fivetran_id category_2 It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status ad_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversion_rate conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr goal_type impressions return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_id ad_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id customer_id It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id dynamic_ad_target_id It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id search_query It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status ad_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions_qualified all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue_per_conversion all_revenue assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 campaign_name campaign_status category_list clicks conversion_rate conversions_qualified conversions Deprecated as of 2022 cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr customer_name description dynamic_ad_target feed_url final_url goal_type headline impressions landing_page_title return_on_ad_spend revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion revenue spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id asset_group_id It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id city It is a part of _fivetran_id country It is a part of _fivetran_id county It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id delivered_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id location_id It is a part of _fivetran_id location_type It is a part of _fivetran_id metro_area It is a part of _fivetran_id most_specific_location It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id postal_code It is a part of _fivetran_id proximity_target_location It is a part of _fivetran_id radius It is a part of _fivetran_id state It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions_quallified all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue_per_conversion all_revenue asset_group_name asset_group_status assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 base_campaign_id campaign_name campaign_status campaign_type clicks conversion_rate conversions_qualified conversions Deprecated as of 2022 cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr goal_type impressions neighborhood return_on_ad_spend revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion revenue spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_revenue
GOALS_AND_FUNNELS_DAILY_REPORT & GOALS_AND_FUNNELS_HOURLY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history campaign_id campaign_history ad_group_id ad_group_history keyword_id keyword_history date goal all_conversions all_conversions_qualified assists all_revenue goal_id device_type device_os goal_type view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history keyword_id 🔑 keyword_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 network 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 keyword_status impressions clicks ctr current_max_cpc average_cpc spend average_position conversions conversions_qualified conversion_rate cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience quality_impact assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters final_app_url mainline_1_bid mainline_bid first_page_bid final_url_suffix view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* historical metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history keyword_id 🔑 keyword_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 network 🔑 device_os 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 keyword_status impressions clicks ctr current_max_cpc average_cpc spend average_position conversions conversion_rate cost_per_conversion quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience quality_impact assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist custom_parameters final_app_url final_url_suffix mainline_1_bid mainline_bid first_page_bid view_through_conversions all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_conversion metrics* all_revenue metrics* revenue metrics*
NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_CONFLICT_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id conflict_type It is a part of _fivetran_id keyword_id keyword_history It is a part of _fivetran_id negative_keyword_id It is a part of _fivetran_id negative_keyword_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status bid_match_type campaign_name campaign_status conflict_level keyword_status keyword negative_keyword_list_id negative_keyword_list negative_keyword
COLUMN REFERENCE date 🔑 account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history currency_code 🔑 device_type 🔑 merchant_product_id 🔑 condition 🔑 price 🔑 bid_strategy_type 🔑 store_id 🔑 brand title impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend seller_name offer_language country_of_sale total_clicks_on_ad_elements return_on_ad_spend absolute_top_impression_share_percent click_share_percent assisted_impressions assisted_clicks all_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions_qualified custom_label metrics* product_type metrics* product_category metrics* impression metrics* benchmark metrics* conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history date 🔑 network 🔑 currency_code 🔑 device_type 🔑 language 🔑 merchant_product_id 🔑 condition 🔑 price 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 click_type_id 🔑 bid_strategy_type 🔑 store_id 🔑 brand local_store_code click_type title impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend seller_name offer_language country_of_sale return_on_ad_spend total_clicks_on_ad_elements assisted_impressions assisted_clicks all_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions_qualified conversion metrics* custom_label metrics* product_category metrics* product_type metrics* revenue metrics*
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 date It is a part of _fivetran_id account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id asset_group_id asset_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_strategy_type It is a part of _fivetran_id brand It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id condition It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label0 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label1 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label2 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label3 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label4 It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id merchant_product_id It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category1 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category2 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category3 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category4 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category5 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type1 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type2 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type3 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type4 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type5 It is a part of _fivetran_id store_id It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports absolute_top_impression_share_percent all_conversion_rate all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assisted_clicks assisted_conversions assisted_impressions average_cpc average_cpm benchmark_bid benchmark_ctr clicks click_share_percent Available only for daily reports conversion_rate conversions conversions_qualified cost_per_conversion cost_per_install cost_per_sale country_of_sale ctr impression_lost_to_budget_percent Available only for daily reports impression_lost_to_rank_percent Available only for daily reports impressions impression_share_percent Available only for daily reports installs price quantity_bought return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_conversion revenue_per_install revenue_per_sale sales seller_name spend title total_clicks_on_ad_elements view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 date It is a part of _fivetran_id account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id asset_group_id asset_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_strategy_type It is a part of _fivetran_id brand It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id click_type_id It is a part of _fivetran_id condition It is a part of _fivetran_id collection_id It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label0 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label1 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label2 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label3 It is a part of _fivetran_id custom_label4 It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id goal_id It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id local_store_code It is a part of _fivetran_id merchant_product_id It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id offer_language It is a part of _fivetran_id product_bought It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category1 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category2 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category3 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category4 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_category5 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type1 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type2 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type3 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type4 It is a part of _fivetran_id product_type5 It is a part of _fivetran_id store_id It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports all_conversion_rate all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion assisted_clicks assisted_conversions assisted_impressions average_cpc average_cpm clicks click_type conversion_rate conversions conversions_qualified cost_per_conversion cost_per_install cost_per_sale country_of_sale ctr goal goal_type gtin impressions installs mpn price product_bought_title quantity_bought return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_conversion revenue_per_install revenue_per_sale sales seller_name spend title total_clicks_on_ad_elements view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history merchant_product_id 🔑 date 🔑 device_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 click_type_id 🔑 network 🔑 language 🔑 search_query 🔑 title 🔑 product_group 🔑 partition_type 🔑 customer_id 🔑 click_type account_name campaign_name destination_url total_clicks_on_ad_elements ad_group_criterion_id impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend assists cost_per_assist customer_name assisted_impressions assisted_clicks conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
PROFESSIONAL_DEMOGRAPHICS_AUDIENCE_DAILY_REPORT & PROFESSIONAL_DEMOGRAPHICS_AUDIENCE_HOURLY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id company_name It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id industry_name It is a part of _fivetran_id job_function_name It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversions_qualified all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_revenue assists average_position Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 campaign_name campaign_status clicks conversions_qualified conversions Deprecated as of 2022 goal_type impressions revenue spend top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE NOTE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_distribution It is a part of _fivetran_id ad_group_id ad_group_history It is a part of _fivetran_id asset_group_id It is a part of _fivetran_id bid_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id campaign_id campaign_history It is a part of _fivetran_id currency_code It is a part of _fivetran_id date It is a part of _fivetran_id delivered_match_type It is a part of _fivetran_id device_os It is a part of _fivetran_id device_type It is a part of _fivetran_id goal It is a part of _fivetran_id language It is a part of _fivetran_id network It is a part of _fivetran_id publisher_url It is a part of _fivetran_id top_vs_other It is a part of _fivetran_id absolute_top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports account_name account_number account_status ad_group_name ad_group_status all_conversion_rate all_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 all_conversions_qualified all_cost_per_conversion all_return_on_ad_spend all_revenue all_revenue_per_conversion asset_group_name asset_group_status assists average_cpc average_cpm average_position campaign_name campaign_status campaign_type clicks conversion_rate conversions Deprecated as of 2022 conversions_qualified cost_per_assist cost_per_conversion ctr goal_type impressions return_on_ad_spend revenue revenue_per_assist revenue_per_conversion spend Deprecated on March 31st, 2021 top_impression_rate_percent Available only for daily reports view_through_conversions Deprecated as of 2022 view_through_conversions_qualified view_through_revenue
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history ad_id 🔑 ad_history keyword_id 🔑 keyword_history date 🔑 device_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 network 🔑 language 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 search_query 🔑 customer_id 🔑 destination_url impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend average_position ad_group_criterion_id assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_assist conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
SHARE_OF_VOICE_DAILY_REPORT COLUMN REFERENCE _fivetran_id 🔑 account_id account_history campaign_id campaign_history ad_group_id ad_group_history keyword_id keyword_history date device_type bid_match_type delivered_match_type network language account_name campaign_name ad_group_name keyword account_number impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend average_position impression_share_percent impression_lost_to_budget_percent impression_lost_to_rank_agg_percent current_max_cpc quality_score expected_ctr ad_relevance landing_page_experience conversions conversions_qualified conversion_rate cost_per_conversion ad_distribution click_share_percent account_status campaign_status ad_group_status keyword_status bid_strategy_type keyword_labels exact_match_impression_share_percent top_impression_share_lost_to_rank_percent top_impression_share_lost_to_budget_percent absolute_top_impression_share_lost_to_rank_percent absolute_top_impression_share_lost_to_budget_percent absolute_top_impression_share_percent top_impression_share_percent absolute_top_impression_rate_percent top_impression_rate_percent base_campaign_id all_conversions all_conversions_qualified all_conversion_rate all_cost_per_conversion view_through_conversions view_through_conversions_qualified goal goal_type
COLUMN REFERENCE account_id 🔑 account_history campaign_id 🔑 campaign_history ad_group_id 🔑 ad_group_history date 🔑 currency_code 🔑 ad_distribution 🔑 device_type 🔑 device_os 🔑 bid_match_type 🔑 delivered_match_type 🔑 network 🔑 language 🔑 location_id 🔑 query_intent_location_id 🔑 top_vs_other 🔑 account_name country state metro_area impressions clicks ctr average_cpc spend average_position proximity_target_location radius city assists return_on_ad_spend cost_per_conversion cost_per_assist county postal_code all_conversions_qualified view_through_conversions_qualified query metrics* conversion metrics* revenue metrics*
NOTE: The *
suffix in the column name means the name indicates several metrics of the same type. For example, under all_revenue metrics*
we mean the following metric columns: all_revenue
and all_revenue_per_conversion
NOTE: Each report table in the destination always contains all primary key columns. Non-primary key columns are included in the relevant table in the destination only if the source table has at least one record with a non-null value in a given non-primary key column.
Table re-sync When the connector requests data from Microsoft Advertising, the data is retrieved in bulk. This means that a single response contains entities related to different tables, and all these tables share a common cursor. As a result, a re-sync of just a single entity table is not supported. When a re-sync of an entity table is triggered, the cursor for all entity tables is reset, and all entity tables are re-synced as well.
The following tables are entity tables:
, ad_group_label_history