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"" : l; if (!l.trim()) return v( "Invalid attribute name: " + n + " is not allowed as an attribute name!" ); 40 < l.length && ((l = l.slice(0, 40)), console.warn( "Attribute name should not be greater than 40 characters!" )); var c = u(t[n]) || ((c = t[n]), "[object Array]" === toString.call(c)) ? JSON.stringify(t[n]) : t[n]; o || ((a = 100), (c = (r = c).length > a ? r.slice(0, a - 1) + "..." : r)), (i[l] = c); } return i; } function u(e) { return "[object Object]" === toString.call(e); } function v(e) { console.log("%cVWO Event API Error:", "font-weight:bold;", e), _vwo_err({ message: e }); } function l(e = -1, t = "") { switch (e) { case 0: return v("Event name cannot be empty!"); case 1: return console.warn( "Event name should not be greater than 40 characters!" ); case 2: return v( "Invalid event name: " + t + " is not allowed as an event name!" ); default: return v("Invalid event name: event name can only be a string!"); } } function r(e, t, n) { var e = (function (e, t) { if ("string" != typeof e) return l(); if (!(e = e.trim())) return l(0); var n = e; if ( !(e = (function (e) { return ( "visitors" === (e = (e = s(e.slice(e.search(/[\w-.]/g)))).replace( /^(_|vwo_|\.|v_|i_|-)*/g, "" )).toLowerCase() && (e += "_1"), e ); })(e)) ) return l(2, n); 40 < e.length && (l(1), (e = e.slice(0, 40))); n = o(e, t); if (n) return { eventName: e, filteredAttributeObject: n }; })(e, (t = t || {})), r = { ogName: 1, source: 1 }; if (!e) return { filteredData: void 0, cb: null }; t = null; if (u(n)) { "function" == typeof n.cb && (t = n.cb), delete n.cb; var a, i = {}; for (a in n) r[a] && (i[a] = n[a]); 0 < Object.keys(i).length && (e.filteredAttributeObject.vwoMeta = i); } return { filteredData: e, cb: t }; } VWO.event = function (e, t, n) { var { filteredData: e, cb: n } = r(e, t, n); if ( e && (function (e) { var t; if ( !( window._vis_debug || (window.VWO._ && VWO._.allSettings && VWO._.allSettings.dataStore && VWO._.allSettings.dataStore.events && VWO._.allSettings.dataStore.events[e]) ) ) { try { t = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("vwoUnRegEvents")) || {}; } catch (e) { t = {}; } if (t[e]) return !1; t[e] = !0; e = JSON.stringify(t); window.localStorage.setItem("vwoUnRegEvents", e); } return !0; })(e.eventName) ) return window._vis_debug ? void 0 : (((t = { d: { event: {} } }).d.event.props = e.filteredAttributeObject || {}), (t.d.event.props.page = { title: document.title, url: window._vis_opt_url || window.location.href, referrerUrl: document.referrer, }), (t.d.event.name = e.eventName), (t.d.event.time = Date.now()), (e = "https://dev.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/events/t?en=" + e.eventName + "&a=" + 381675 + "&_cu=" + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)), navigator.sendBeacon(e, JSON.stringify(t)), void ("function" == typeof n && n())); }; })(); for (var e = 0; e < window.VWO.length; e++) { exC(window.VWO[e]); } window.VWO.push = function () { exC(arguments[0]); }; function exC(a) { if (!Array.isArray(a)) return; switch (a[0]) { case "onVWOLoaded": var p = []; p[0] = {}; p[1] = []; return a[1].call(this, p); case "onVWOCampaignsLoaded": return a[1].call(this, { bucketed_campaigns: [] }); case "event": return VWO.event(a[1], a[2], a[3]); } } } } catch (e) { _vwo_err(e); }