NetSuite SuiteAnalytics
NetSuite provides SuiteAnalytics as a paid option, giving businesses the power of built-in real-time dashboards, reporting and analysis — integrated right into the ERP, CRM, or ecommerce application that you use every day.
Supported data sources
Our NetSuite SuiteAnalytics connector supports the following NetSuite data sources:
IMPORTANT: NetSuite has announced end of support for the data source. Fivetran will continue to support the new and existing connections until is no longer available. However, to ensure uninterrupted access to your data, we recommend that you set up your connection for the data source.
Features for the data source
Feature Name | Supported | Notes |
Capture deletes | check | |
History mode | ||
Custom data | check | |
Data blocking | check | |
Column hashing | check | |
Re-sync | check | |
API configurable | check | API configuration |
Priority-first sync | ||
Fivetran data models | check | |
Private networking | ||
Authorization via API | check |
Features for the data source
Feature Name | Supported | Notes |
Capture deletes | check | |
History mode | ||
Custom data | check | |
Data blocking | check | |
Column hashing | check | |
Re-sync | check | |
API configurable | check | API configuration |
Priority-first sync | ||
Fivetran data models | check | |
Private networking | ||
Authorization via API | check |
Supported deployment models
We support the SaaS and Hybrid deployment models for the connector.
NOTE: You must have an Enterprise or Business Critical plan to use the Hybrid Deployment model.
Setup guide
Follow our step-by-step NetSuite SuiteAnalytics setup guide to connect NetSuite SuiteAnalytics with your destination using Fivetran connectors.
To set up your NetSuite SuiteAnalytics connection for the data source, do the following steps as shown in the tutorial below:
Schema information
NetSuite SuiteAnalytics' schema follows Fivetran's standard API schema rules.
We name the source schema as netsuite
and name the destination schema after the schema name set by the user in the setup form.
Using Fivetran you can access the following data sources:
- – Fivetran currently supports all tables in version 2021.2 as well as any custom tables present in your NetSuite account. See NetSuite's Connect Browser documentation for information on all the available tables, and the domain diagrams illustrating how tables relate to one another.
NOTE: According to NetSuite official documentation, "As of October 2021, the data source will no longer be updated with newly exposed tables and columns, and no enhancements will be made. Users will still be able to access the data source. However, the data source will only include records exposed up to 2021.2".
- – Uses the schema that has been used in SuiteAnalytics Workbook since 2019.1. The details about the record types in, also known as the analytics data source, are available through the Records Catalog. For more information about the schema, see NetSuite's documentation.
Initial sync
When you first connect a new account, Fivetran scans every table you selected and copies every row for which we have permission to view. We set up multiple concurrent connections to your NetSuite SuiteAnalytics account and retrieve your data from the source tables.
The initial sync can take a while, depending on the number and size of tables to be imported.
Updating data
Fivetran uses one of the following strategies to update the tables that you included in your sync:
For the data source, we update a table incrementally only if it contains:
- a numeric primary key
- a
, orlast_modified_date
For the data source, we update a table incrementally only if it contains:
- a numeric primary key
- a
, orlinelastmodifieddate
- For both these data sources, we set up multiple concurrent connections to the NetSuite SuiteAnalytics account and retrieve your data from the source tables.
- Some NetSuite tables contain columns whose values are automatically calculated and updated without any intervention from its users. NetSuite does not update the
column for such records. As thelast_modified_date
column is not updated for these records, our connector cannot capture the changes during the incremental syncs. Therefore, we recommend that you refer to the source tables such columns are derived from or use the same calculation that NetSuite uses for these tables in your destination. You can re-sync the tables at regular intervals to update these column values in your destination but the re-syncs may take some time depending on the amount of data in the table. Additionally, the tables won't contain the incremental changes made between the re-syncs.
The System_notes and System_notes_custom tables
NOTE: This is only relevant for the data source.
and system _notes_custom
are audit tables that should be immutable (unchanged). New records are synced incrementally using the date_created
column. Updates or deletes are not captured.
The SystemNote table
NOTE: This is only relevant for the data source.
is an audit table that should be immutable (unchanged). New records are synced incrementally using the date
column. Updates or deletes are not captured.
We need to re-import the table in full if it does not contain:
- a numeric primary key
- one of the timestamp columns
To maintain the speed up overall updates, the frequency with which we update these re-import tables is based on how fast we can ingest them from NetSuite. This speed is entirely dependent on NetSuite performance.
Table Import Duration | Import Frequency |
20 seconds or less | Every sync |
Between 20 seconds and 60 minutes | Twice a day |
More than 60 minutes | Once a week |
We mark the tables that take longer than 20 seconds to import as not recommended in the dashboard and include a message on how frequently Fivetran syncs them.
NOTE: Including the tables marked as not recommended can cause an increase in MAR.
Expand for the list* of re-imported tables for the data source
Table Name |
Account_subsidiary_map |
Amortization_sched_lines |
Amortization_schedules |
Billing_class_rates |
Billing_classes |
Billing_rate_cards_prices |
Billing_schedule |
Billing_schedule_descriptions |
Bill_of_materials |
Bins |
Bin_number |
Bin_number_counts |
Bom_revision_components |
Bom_revisions |
Budget |
Budget_category |
Caseescalationhistory |
Case_stage_changes |
Commissionschedule |
Campaignevent |
Campaignitem |
Campaignresponse |
Campaignresponsehistory |
Commission_authorization_link |
Commissionrate |
Competitoroppmap |
Components_per_routing_steps |
Consolidated_exchange_rates |
Countries |
Coupon_codes |
Crmgroup |
Crmgroupmap |
Customer_currencies |
Customer_group_pricing |
Customer_item_pricing |
Customer_subsidiary_map |
Employee_currency_map |
Employee_types |
Entitycategory |
Entityeventmap |
Entityterritorymap |
Entity_role_map |
Entity_status_history |
Eventattendees |
Expense_based_charge_rules |
Expense_categories |
Expense_categories_rates |
Expense_categories_subs_map |
Expense_detail |
Fixed_fee_charge_rules |
Group_test_cell |
Inbound_shipments |
Inventory_cost_template_items |
Item_collection_item_map |
Item_collections |
Item_demand_plan_lines |
Item_group |
Item_location_map |
Item_price_history |
Item_prices |
Item_quantity |
Item_shipmethods |
Item_site_categories |
Item_subsidiary_map |
Item_supply_plan_attributes |
Item_supply_plan_lines |
Item_supply_plan_source |
Item_supply_plan_source_types |
Item_vendor_map |
Item_vendor_pricing |
Job_resources |
Job_resource_role |
Job_types |
Location_costing_groups |
Location_costing_grp_locations |
Memorized_trans |
Messagerecipient |
Mfg_cost_template_items |
Mfg_routing_steps |
Nexus |
Payroll_item_types |
Percent_complete_overrides |
Planassignmap |
Planschedulemap |
Posting_account_activity |
Posting_account_activity_pe |
Price_book_line_intervals |
Price_books |
Pricing_groups |
Price_plans |
Price_tiers |
Project_billing_budgets |
Project_cost_budgets |
Project_cost_categories |
Project_expense_types |
Project_revenue_rl_plans |
Project_revenue_rls_charge_rls |
Project_task_assignments |
Project_task_billing_budgets |
Project_task_cost_budgets |
Project_task_dependencies |
Project_templates |
Project_time_approval_types |
Quota1 |
Resource_group_entity_map |
Revaluation |
Revenue_plan_versions |
Revenue_plan_version_lines |
Revrecschedules |
Revrecschedulelines |
Role_subsidiary_map |
Salesforecast |
Shipment_packages |
Solutioncasemap |
Solutiontopicmap |
States |
Standard_cost_components |
Subscript_line_price_intervals |
Subscription_co_lines |
Subscription_plan_lines |
Subscription_terms |
Subsidiary_book_map |
Subsidiary_class_map |
Subsidiary_department_map |
Subsidiary_location_map |
Subsidiary_nexus_map |
Supplier_categories |
Supportcasehistory |
Task_contacts |
Time_based_charge_rules |
Topic |
Transaction_bin_numbers |
Transaction_book_map |
Transaction_cost_components |
Transaction_inventory_numbers |
Transaction_shipping_groups |
Transaction_tax_detail |
Transaction_tracking_numbers |
Usages |
Vendor_currencies |
Vendor_subsidiary_map |
Vendor_types |
Work_calendars |
Work_calendar_holidays |
Expand for the list* of re-imported tables for the data source
Table Name |
AccountingContext |
accountType |
ActionType |
AddressBook |
addressType |
AdmissibilityPackageType |
alignOrHide |
allocationDetail |
AllocationMethod |
allocationScheduleAllocationDetail |
AllParserPlugin |
AmortizationSchedule |
AmortizationTemplate |
AmortizationType |
ApplicabilityModeType |
ApplicabilityReasonType |
ApplicabilityStatusType |
applyDiscountTo |
ApprovalStatus |
assemblyItemMember |
assemblyItemPresentationItem |
assemblyItemPrice |
ATPMethodType |
AuthenticateDeviceInput |
AuthenticateDeviceResult |
AuthenticationField |
AutomatedClearingHouseAccountType |
BillingMilestone |
BillingRateCardPriceMultiForSearch |
BillingRateCardVersion |
billingSchedule |
billingScheduleRecurrencePattern |
BillingScheduleType |
BillRun |
BillVarianceStatus |
blanketPurchaseOrderExpenseMachine |
budgetcategory |
budgetExchangeRate |
budgets |
BulkProcSubmission |
bundleInstallationScript |
bundleInstallationScriptDeployment |
BusinessEventHandler |
BusinessEventHandlerFeedDetailType |
BusinessEventHandlerFeedStatus |
BusinessEventType |
CalculateDiscountType |
CampaignResponse |
CardholderAuthBillAddress |
CardholderAuthenticationEvent |
CardholderAuthenticationEventList |
CardholderAuthenticationStatus |
CardholderAuthShipAddress |
CartSortOrder |
category1099misc |
CenterType |
ChallengeShopperInput |
ChallengeShopperResult |
ChallengeWindowSize |
Chargebillingmodetype |
ChargeRule |
Chargestagetype |
Chargeuse |
clientScript |
clientScriptDeployment |
CommissionPaymentType |
CompanyAddressbook |
CompanyFeatureSetup |
consolidatedExchangeRate |
consolidatedRateAdjustorPlugin |
ConsolidatedRateType |
ContactAddressbook |
ContactCategory |
ContactRole |
ContactSubsidiaryRelationship |
costCategory |
CostCategoryType |
CostEstimateType |
CostingMethodType |
Country |
couponCode |
CreditCardChargeExpenseMachine |
CreditCardRefundExpenseMachine |
Creditholdoverridetype |
creditMemoShipGroup |
CrmTemplateType |
CurrencyRateType |
CurrencySymbol |
CurrencySymbolPlacement |
customerAddressbook |
customerCategory |
customerEftAcct |
customerMessage |
CustomField2 |
customGlPlugin |
CustomRecordActionScript |
CustomTransactionType |
datasetBuilderPlugin |
DayOfWeek |
demandSourceType |
downloadItemPresentationItem |
downloadItemPrice |
dual |
EffectivityBasedOnType |
emailCapturePlugin |
EmailPreferenceType |
employeeAccruedTime |
employeeAddressbook |
employeeCompanyContribution |
EmployeeCorporateCards |
employeeDeduction |
employeeEmergencyContact |
employeeEmpPerms |
EmployeeExpenseReportCurrencies |
EmployeeExpenseSourceType |
EmployeeFilingStatus |
employeeHrEducation |
employeeRoles |
employeeRolesForSearch |
EmployeeStatus |
EmployeeStatusCategory |
EmployeeSubsidiaryRelationship |
EmployeeType |
EmployeeTypeCategory |
EmploymentCategory |
entityAddressbook |
EntityGroupItemSegmentMap |
entityGroupType |
EntityListType |
EntityStage |
EntityStatus |
EntitySubsidiaryRelationship |
ErPolicyNotification |
estimateShipGroup |
EventDowim |
EventFrequency |
EventPriority |
EventType |
executionContext |
ExpenseMachine |
ExpenseReportPolicy |
FairValueRangePolicy |
fiConnectivityPlugin |
FIParserPlugin |
FirstRunTimeSelect |
FiscalCalendar |
FolderType |
Forecast |
ForecastType |
FrequencyType |
FulfillmentChoice |
fulfillmentExceptionReason |
FulfillmentExceptionType |
FulfillmentRequestType |
gatewayNotification |
gatewayTokenFamily |
generalizedItem |
GenericResourceSubsidiaryRelationship |
giftCertificateItemPresentationItem |
giftCertificateItemPrice |
Hcmterminationcategory |
ImportedEmplExpenseDetail |
ImportedEmployeeExpense |
ImportedEmployeeExpenseStatus |
InboundShipmentItem |
InboundShipmentLandedCost |
IncotermType |
IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetail |
InventoryAssignment |
inventoryItemPresentationItem |
inventoryItemPrice |
inventoryItemLocations |
InvoiceShipGroup |
InvtCommit |
InvtItemPriceHistory |
IssueVersionRelation |
ItemCollection |
ItemCollectionCustomerSegmentMap |
ItemDemandSource |
itemGroupMember |
itemMember |
ItemPeriodicLotSizeType |
ItemPresentationItem |
itemPrice |
ItemPricing |
ItemRevision |
ItemSegmentType |
ItemSource |
ItemSubtype |
ItemSupplyLotSizingType |
ItemSupplyType |
itemType |
ItemUnit |
jobAddressbook |
JobRequisitionPostingType |
JobRequisitionStatus |
JobResourceRole |
JobType |
kitItemMember |
kitItemPresentationItem |
kitItemPrice |
KnowledgeBase |
LagType |
LimitType |
LocalizedTemplate |
LocationType |
ManufacturingRouting |
mapReduceScript |
mapReduceScriptDeployment |
massUpdateScript |
massUpdateScriptDeployment |
MediaType |
MemDoc |
MemDocTransactionTemplateAccountingLine |
memDocTransactionTemplateLine |
MessageType |
MfgPlannedTime |
MfgProjectAddressbook |
mitPurpose |
MonthsOfYear |
NegativeNumberFormat |
NextTransactionLineLink |
Nexus |
nonInventoryItemPresentationItem |
nonInventoryItemPrice |
nonInventoryResaleItemPresentationItem |
nonInventoryResaleItemPrice |
nonInventorySaleItemPresentationItem |
nonInventorySaleItemPrice |
note |
NoteDirectionType |
NumberFormat |
OnlineLeadForm |
OrderFrequencyType |
otherChargeItemPrice |
otherChargeResaleItemPrice |
otherChargeSaleItemPrice |
otherNameAddressbook |
otherNameCategory |
OtherNameSubsidiaryRelationship |
outboundRequest |
overallQuantityPricingType |
overheadType |
PartnerAddressbook |
PartnerSubsidiaryRelationship |
PartnerSystem |
PaycheckPayBonus |
payItemType |
paymentCardBin |
paymentCardBrand |
paymentGatewayPlugin |
paymentHandlingMode |
paymentInitiator |
paymentInstrumentStateType |
paymentInstrumentType |
paymentOperation |
paymentResultPreview |
paymentStatus |
paymentStatusReason |
payrollItem |
permissionLevel |
PermissionType |
planDefinitionScope |
PlannedOrderStatusType |
plannedRevenueType |
planningItem |
planningRule |
platformExtensionPlugin |
plugInType |
plugInTypeImpl |
portlet |
portletDeployment |
PresentationItemType |
PreviousTransactionLineLink |
PriceModelType |
priceUsingType |
pricing |
pricingWithCustomers |
ProjectBudgetAmount |
ProjectSubsidiaryRelationship |
projectTask |
projectTaskConstraintType |
projectTemplate |
projectTemplateJobResource |
projectTemplateJobResourceRoleMap |
ProjectTemplateSubsidiaryRelationship |
ProjectTimeApprovalType |
promocodediscounttype |
promotionCode |
promotionsPlugin |
PublishedSavedSearch |
purchaseOrderExpenseMachine |
purchaseRequisitionExpenseMachine |
Quota |
RecentRecord |
RecordActionScriptDeployment |
reforecastMethod |
reportingSection |
RequestForQuoteItemItemPricing |
resourceAllocationType |
resourceGroup |
restlet |
restletDeployment |
RetirementPlanContributionType |
RetirementPlanEmployeeContribution |
RetirementPlanEmployerMatch |
RetirementPlanType |
revenueElementSourceType |
revenuePlanSource |
revenuePlanStatus |
revenuePlanType |
revRecAmountSourceType |
revRecChangeImpactType |
revRecDateSourceType |
revRecEventPRevRule |
revRecEventTranLine |
revRecRecurrenceType |
salesInvoiced |
salesOrdered |
salesOrderShipGroup |
salesTaxItem |
salesTerritoryEntity |
scheduledScript |
scheduledScriptDeployment |
ScheduledScriptInstance |
schedulingMethod |
script |
ScriptCustomRecordType |
scriptDeployment |
scriptEventType |
scriptFieldType |
ScriptNote |
scriptNoteType |
scriptPortletType |
ScriptRecordType |
scriptStatus |
scriptType |
scriptVersion |
sentEmail |
sentemailrecipient |
serviceItemPresentationItem |
serviceItemPrice |
serviceResaleItemPresentationItem |
serviceResaleItemPrice |
serviceSaleItemPresentationItem |
serviceSaleItemPrice |
ShipGroup |
ShipItem |
ShipperPackageTypeCode |
shippingPartnersPlugin |
shoppingCart |
SiteAudience |
SiteCategory |
SiteCategoryType |
SiteTheme |
softDescriptor |
solution |
specialAccountType |
standardcostdefaulttype |
state |
StatusType |
StockBehaviorType |
StoreTab |
StoreTabType |
sublist |
subscriptionLineStatus |
SubscriptionMessageType |
SubscriptionStatus |
subscriptiontermunit |
suitelet |
suiteletDeployment |
SuiteScriptDetail |
supplyChangeOrderStatus |
SupplyReplenishmentType |
supportCase |
systemNoteContextType |
SystemNoteField |
tag |
taxCalculationPlugin |
taxItemTaxGroup |
taxOverrideMethod |
taxType |
Terminationregretted |
testPlugin |
ThreeDSECommerceIndicator |
ThreeDSTranStatus |
ThreeDSTranStatusReason |
ThreeDSVersion |
TimeBill |
timeLineApprovalStatus |
TimelineType |
timeOffAccrualFrequency |
timeOffAccrualType |
TimeZone |
Topic |
topicPublish |
TrackingNumber |
transactionAddressbook |
transactionBillingAddressbook |
transactionHistory |
transactionPayeeAddressbook |
transactionReturnAddressbook |
TransactionShipment |
transactionShippingAddressbook |
UnbilledReceivableGrouping |
undeliveredEmail |
unitsTypeUom |
UsageStatus |
userEventScript |
UserEventScriptDeployment |
usrsavedsearch |
usrsavedsearchexec |
validatePostbackStatus |
vendorAchAcct |
vendorAddressbook |
vendorBillExpenseMachine |
vendorCreditExpenseMachine |
VendorRequestForQuoteItemItemPricing |
vendorReturnAuthorizationExpenseMachine |
VendorRoles |
VendorRolesForSearch |
verificationMatchCode |
vsoeDeferralType |
vsoeDiscountType |
vsoeSopGroupType |
WbsAmount |
WbsLine |
webapp |
webSiteFieldsetRecordType |
workbookBuilderPlugin |
workCalendar |
workflowActionScript |
workflowActionScriptDeployment |
* NOTE: The re-import lists above may not be complete as NetSuite is highly configurable, and there may be more or fewer re-import tables for your NetSuite account depending on its configuration.
NOTE: This is only relevant for the data source.
table twice daily if the table import duration is more than 20 seconds. If the import duration is less than or equal to 20 seconds, we re-import the table in every sync.
The Item_location_map and Posting_Account_Activity tables
NOTE: This is only relevant for the data source.
We re-import the Item_location_map
and Posting_Account_Activity
tables in every sync. If it takes too long to re-import these tables, we recommend that you configure another NetSuite SuiteAnalytics connection specifically for these two tables so that there is no impact on the overall performance of the connection.
Excluded Tables
Excluded tables for the data source
Table Name | Other reason for exclusion |
Account_activity | View on Posting_account_activity |
Account_period_activity | View on Posting_account_activity |
Account_period_activity_pe | View on Posting_account_activity_pe |
Case_types | Duplicate of Casetype |
Case_origins | Duplicate of Caseorigin |
Deleted_records | System table that keeps track of deleted records |
Nlcompany | Has a single row with information about NetSuite account itself |
Notes_system | Obsolete as of NetSuite 2017.1 |
Notes_system_custom | Obsolete as of NetSuite 2017.1 |
Excluded tables for the data source
Table Name | Other reason for exclusion |
DeletedRecords | System table that keeps track of deleted records |
Primary Key Hashing
NOTE: This is only relevant for the data source.
Some primary key columns contain null
, but contain at least one non-null primary key column; and most destinations don't support a null
value for the primary key column. So, Fivetran creates hash of primary key columns and stores them in the _fivetran_id
system column, where the _fivetran_id
column is the part of primary key for the table alongside the non-null primary key column. Actual primary key columns won't be created as primary keys of the table in the destination.
Deleting data
We do not rely on the Delete_records
table to capture deletes for standard tables. Instead, we use a novel approach to incrementally capture deletes. We logically divide the table into contiguous chunks, and import the chunks for which we detect change (using the checksums from the previous sync). We use the chunk size in a way that it minimises the amount of data to be transferred from NetSuite.
Deleting data for the data source
The following tables have a
column in the destination. When rows are deleted from these tables in the account, the corresponding rows in the destination are marked as deleted.Expand for the full list of tables with the `_fivetran_deleted` column
Table Name Accounting_books Accounts Address_book Addresses Bill_of_distributions Billing_accounts Billing_rate_cards Billing_subscription_lines Billing_subscriptions Campaign_audiences Campaign_categories Campaign_families Campaign_search_engine Campaign_subscriptions Campaign_verticals Campaignchannel Campaignoffer Campaigns Caseissue Caseorigin Casetype Classes Commissionplan Company_status Competitor Contactrole Contacts Crmtemplate Currencies Currency_exchange_rate_types Currency_exchange_rates Currencyrates Customer_types Customers Departments Distribution_categories Distribution_networks Employee_time Employees Entity Entity_status Expense_accounts Expense_amortization_rules Expense_plans Global_account_map Global_inventory_relationships Income_accounts Inventory_cost_template Item_account_map Item_revisions Items Locations Message Mfg_cost_template Nexus Notes_user Notetype Originating_leads Partner_sales_roles Partners Payment_methods Payment_terms Payroll_items Planned_standard_costs Price_types Project_revenues_rules Promotion_codes Purchase_charge_rules Resource_groups Revenue_elements Revenue_plans Revenue_recognition_rules Sales_reps Sales_roles Sales_territories Service_items Subscription_change_orders Subscription_plans Subsidiaries Support_incidents Support_territories Tax_items Territory Transactions Units_type Unlocked_time_periods Uom Vendors Winlossreason Deleted records are hard deleted from the destination for the following tables:
Expand for the full list of hard-deleted tables
Table Name Accounting_periods Activities Billing_rate_cards_versions Calls Campaign_subscription_statuses Charges Companies Companycontactmap Contact_types Customer_partner_sales_teams Customer_sales_teams Events1 Expense_plan_lines Fair_value_prices Generic_resources Gift_certificates Inventory_items Inventory_number Item_billing_rates Item_demand_plans Item_fulfillments Item_supply_plans Mfg_routing Opportunities Opportunity_lines Opportunitycontactmap Other_names Partner_types Project_tasks Resource_allocations Revenue_plan_lines Roles1 Shipping_items Solution Subscription_line_revisions Support_reps Tasks Timesheet Trans_partner_sales_teams Transaction_address Transaction_line_book_map Transaction_lines Transaction_links Transaction_sales_teams Custom tables with a single primary key also receive entries in the
. Therefore, they also have a_fivetran_deleted
column in the destination.Re-imported tables also have a
column in the destination. After each re-import, any row that no longer exists in the source table is marked as deleted in the destination.
Syncing empty tables and columns
Fivetran can sync empty tables and columns for your NetSuite SuiteAnalytics connection. For more information, see our Features documentation.
Supported data types
Fivetran supports following data types for the NetSuite SuiteAnalytics connector:
Netsuite Data Type |
NOTE: CLOB data type is converted to STRING data type.