How To Move Data from Tables to Flat Files
Problem Summary
How to move data in HVR from tables to Azure blob file storage as flat files?
Need clarification for using HVR.
- Do I need a separate license for this?
- Does it require a Hadoop client setup?
- Do the output files on Azure Blob FS come in all sorts of flat files or just in
, andavro
See the requirements to write to Azure Blob storage in our documentation.
A Hadoop client is required because HVR uses WebHDFS REST calls to deliver data into Blob Storage.
Whether you need a separate license depends on the kind of license you have. Please contact your HVR account manager for this.
HVR supports file formats Parquet, JSON, Avro, CSV or XML.
If you need a different file type, you can transform your data using AgentPlugin.