How to Filter Deletes From Being Propagated to Integrate Location
How to filter deletes in a MySQL database from being propagated to the Integrate location so that the source database contains only the most recent data while the target stores historical data?
You can ignore deletes in a MySQL database from being propagated to the Integrate location by defining the following action on it:
Interestingly, if you define this action on the Integrate side as a Restrict action with /IntegrateCondition="{hvr_op}!=0″, you get the following error:
o2o_nodelfil-integ-otgt: F_JD223D: Unknown variable {hvr_op} encountered while parsing SQL expression '{hvr_op}!=0'.
NOTE: The values for hvr_op can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (which indicate the operators: delete, insert, after row update, before the key update, before the non-key update, truncate respectively). This value cannot be transformed and/or post transformation such as values like D, I, UA, etc.