How to Monitor HVR Jobs Using SNMP Integration
Problem Summary
How to monitor HVR jobs using an SNMP integration.
HVR comes with a utility Hvrmaint that you can use for maintenance and monitoring.
For monitoring purposes, you can configure, for example, to scan the HVR log files for errors, check the HVR Scheduler status, check replication latency thresholds, etc. When an error occurs, HVR can send an alert notification. You can configure the alert to use either email or SNMP notifications. SNMP is used to support integration with enterprise monitoring systems.
To enable SNMP integration, you must configure Hvrmaint with the following options:
# -snmp_notify Send SNMP v1 traps or v2c notifications.
# The -snmp_community option is required. # See \$HVR_HOME/lib/mibs/HVR-MIB.txt
# -snmp_version Specify '1' or '2c' (default)
# -snmp_heartbeat Send a hvrMaintNotifySummary notification, even if # there was nothing to report.
# -snmp_hostname SNMP agent hostname. Defaults to localhost.
# -snmp_port SNMP agent trap port. Defaults to port 162.
# -snmp_community Community string for SNMPv1/v2c transactions.
The following is a list of the SNMP notifications that HVR sends:
hvrMaintNotifySummary; number: 1
A summary/heartbeat which is sent every time the Hvrmaint runs even if there are no errors: hvrMaintNotifySummary, with: #errors, #jobs over latency limit, #job errors found in the log.
hvrMaintNotifyError; number: 2
For errors that are encountered by the Hvrmaint itself, for example can't open the hvr.out log file, HVR Scheduler not running, it can't find Hvrmaint option file, etc. hvrMaintNotifyError, with the error message.
hvrMaintNotifyLatency; number: 3
For each replication job that is over the latency limit: hvrMaintNotifyJobLatency, with job name and latency in seconds.
hvrMaintNotifyJobError; number: 4
For each (distinct) error in the log file hvrMaintNotifyJobError, error message from HVR replication, with F_Jxxxxx error code, #occurrences, first occurrence, last occurrence, the text of last occurs.
The sub-ids of hvrMaintNotif are notifications sent by HVR. With SNMP v1, the notifications are sent with enterprise-id "hvrMaint".