Requirements for MapR
Capture | Hub | Integrate |
This section describes the requirements, access privileges, and other features of HVR when using MapR for replication. HVR supports the WebHDFS API for reading and writing files from and to MapR.
Location Connection
This section lists and describes the connection details required for creating MapR location in HVR.
Field | Description |
Namenode | The hostname of the MapR Container Location Database (CLDB). Example: mapr601.hvr.local |
Port | The port on which the MapR CLDB (Namenode) is expecting connections. The default port is 7222. Example: 7222 |
Login | The username to connect HVR to the MapR CLDB (Namenode). The username can be either the MapR user or if impersonation is used then the username is the remotelistener OS user. Example: hvruser |
Credentials | The credential (Kerberos Ticket Cache file) for the Login to connect HVR to the MapR CLDB (Namenode). This field should be left blank to use a keytab file for authentication or if Kerberos is not used on the MapR cluster. For more details, see HDFS Authentication and Kerberos. |
Directory | The directory path in the MapR CLDB (Namenode) to be used for replication. Example: /user |
Hive External Tables | Enable/Disable Hive ODBC connection configuration for creating Hive external tables above HDFS. |
Hive ODBC Connection
HVR allows you to create Hive External Tables above HDFS which are only used during compare. You can enable/disable the Hive configuration for HDFS in location creation screen using the Hive External Tables field.
Field | Description |
Hive Server Type | The type of Hive server. Available options:
Service Discovery Mode | The mode for connecting to Hive. This field is enabled only if Hive Server Type is Hive Server 2. Available options:
Host(s) | The hostname or IP address of the Hive server. When Service Discovery Mode is ZooKeeper, specify the list of ZooKeeper servers in following format [ZK_Host1]:[ZK_Port1],[ZK_Host2]:[ZK_Port2], where [ZK_Host] is the IP address or hostname of the ZooKeeper server and [ZK_Port] is the TCP port that the ZooKeeper server uses to listen for client connections. Example: hive-host |
Port | The TCP port that the Hive server uses to listen for client connections. This field is enabled only if Service Discovery Mode is No Service Discovery. Example: 10000 |
Database | The name of the database schema to use when a schema is not explicitly specified in a query. Example: mytestdb |
ZooKeeper Namespace | The namespace on ZooKeeper under which Hive Server 2 nodes are added. This field is enabled only if Service Discovery Mode is ZooKeeper. |
Mechanism | The authentication mode for connecting HVR to Hive Server 2. This field is enabled only if Hive Server Type is Hive Server 2. Available options:
User | The username to connect HVR to Hive server. This field is enabled only if Mechanism is User Name or User Name and Password. Example: dbuser |
Password | The password of the User to connect HVR to Hive server. This field is enabled only if Mechanism is User Name and Password. |
Service Name | The Kerberos service principal name of the Hive server. This field is enabled only if Mechanism is Kerberos. |
Host | The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Hive Server 2 host. The value of Host can be set as _HOST to use the Hive server hostname as the domain name for Kerberos authentication. If Service Discovery Mode is disabled, then the driver uses the value specified in the Host connection attribute. If Service Discovery Mode is enabled, then the driver uses the Hive Server 2 host name returned by ZooKeeper. This field is enabled only if Mechanism is Kerberos. |
Realm | The realm of the Hive Server 2 host. It is not required to specify any value in this field if the realm of the Hive Server 2 host is defined as the default realm in Kerberos configuration. This field is enabled only if Mechanism is Kerberos. |
Thrift Transport Since v5.5.0/2 | The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. This field is enabled only if Hive Server Type is Hive Server 2. Available options:
For information about determining which Thrift transport protocols your Hive server supports, refer to HiveServer2 Overview and Setting Up HiveServer2 sections in Hive documentation. |
HTTP Path Since v5.5.0/2 | The partial URL corresponding to the Hive server. This field is enabled only if Thrift Transport is HTTP. |
Driver Manager Library | The optional directory path where the ODBC Driver Manager Library is installed. This field is applicable only for Linux/Unix operating system. For a default installation, the ODBC Driver Manager Library is available at /usr/lib64 and does not need to be specified. However, when UnixODBC is installed in for example /opt/unixodbc the value for this field would be /opt/unixodbc/lib. |
ODBCSYSINI | The optional directory path where odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files are located. This field is applicable only for Linux/Unix operating system. For a default installation, these files are available at /etc and do not need to be specified. However, when UnixODBC is installed in for example /opt/unixodbc the value for this field would be /opt/unixodbc/etc. |
ODBC Driver | The user defined (installed) ODBC driver to connect HVR to the Hive server. |
SSL Options | Show SSL Options. |
SSL Options
Field | Description |
Enable SSL | Enable/disable (one way) SSL. If enabled, HVR authenticates the Hive server by validating the SSL certificate shared by the Hive server. |
Two-way SSL | Enable/disable two way SSL. If enabled, both HVR and Hive server authenticate each other by validating each others SSL certificate. This field is enabled only if Enable SSL is selected. |
Trusted CA Certificates | The directory path where the .pem file containing the server's public SSL certificate signed by a trusted CA is located. This field is enabled only if Enable SSL is selected. |
SSL Public Certificate | The directory path where the .pem file containing the client's SSL public certificate is located. This field is enabled only if Two-way SSL is selected. |
SSL Private Key | The directory path where the .pem file containing the client's SSL private key is located. This field is enabled only if Two-way SSL is selected. |
Client Private Key Password | The password of the private key file that is specified in SSL Private Key. This field is enabled only if Two-way SSL is selected. |
MapR Client
MapR locations can only be accessed through HVR running on Linux or Windows, and it is not required to run HVR installed on the Namenode although it is possible to do so. The MapR client should be present on the server from which HVR will access the MapR (Namenode). For more information about installing MapR client, refer to MapR Documentation.
MapR Client Configuration
The following are required on the server from which HVR connects to MapR:
Install MapR Client
Install Java Development Kit (JDK), version 1.7 or later
Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 7 or later
Set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME to the Java installation directory. Ensure that this is the directory that has a bin folder, e.g. if the Java bin directory is d:\java\bin, $JAVA_HOME should point to d:\java.
Set the environment variable $MAPR_HOME to the MapR installation directory, or the hadoop command line client should be available in the path.
Since the binary distribution available in Hadoop website lacks Windows-specific executables, a warning about unable to locate winutils.exe is displayed. This warning can be ignored for using Hadoop library for client operations to connect to a HDFS server using HVR. However, the performance on integrate location would be poor due to this warning, so it is recommended to use a Windows-specific Hadoop distribution to avoid this warning. For more information about this warning, refer to Hadoop issue HADOOP-10051.
Verifying MapR Client Installation
To verify the MapR client installation,
The MAPR_HOME/bin directory in MapR installation location should contain the MapR executables in it.
Execute the following commands to verify MapR client installation:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version $MAPR_HOME/bin/hadoop version $MAPR_HOME/bin/hadoop classpath
If the MapR client installation is verified successfully then execute the following command to verify the connectivity between HVR and MapR:
$MAPR_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -ls hdfs://cluster/
Client Configuration Files
Client configuration files are not required for HVR to perform replication, however, they can be useful for debugging. Client configuration files contain settings for different services like HDFS, and others. If the HVR integrate server is not part of the cluster, it is recommended to download the configuration files for the cluster so that the MapR client knows how to connect to HDFS.
Hive External Table
HVR allows you to create Hive external tables above HDFS files which are only used during compare. The Hive ODBC connection can be enabled for MapR in the location creation screen by selecting the Hive External Tables field (see section Location Connection).
ODBC Connection
HVR uses ODBC connection to the MapR cluster for which it requires the MapR ODBC driver for Hive installed on the server (or in the same network). For more information about using ODBC to connect to HiveServer 2, refer to MapR Documentation.
Channel Configuration
For the file formats (CSV and AVRO) the following action definitions are required to handle certain limitations of the Hive deserialization implementation during Bulk or Row-wise Compare:
For CSV,
Group Table Action HDFS * FileFormat/NullRepresentation=\\N HDFS * TableProperties/CharacterMapping="\x00>\\0;\n>\\n;\r>\\r;">\"" HDFS * TableProperties/MapBinary=BASE64 For Avro,
Group Table Action HDFS * FileFormat/AvroVersion=v1_8 v1_8 is the default value for FileFormat /AvroVersion, so it is not mandatory to define this action.
The JSON file format is not supported in MapR.
Connecting to MapR
HVR can connect to MapR with or without using the MapR user impersonation. The configuration/setup requirements differ on each scenarios mentioned below.
Without MapR User Impersonation
- When hub connects to MapR server using HVR remotelistener installed on the MapR server.
- Log in as MapR user and start the remotelistener on the MapR server.
- When hub connects directly to the MapR server or if the integrate server (this is separate from MapR server) connects to the MapR server.
Create a MapR user on the hub/integrate server. Login as root user and execute the following commands.
groupadd -g2000 mapr
useradd -gmapr -m -u2000 mapr
passwd mapr
Login as MapR user and start the remotelistener on hub/integrate server.
With MapR User Impersonation
For more information about MapR user impersonation, refer to MapR Documentation.
- When the hub connects to the MapR server using the remotelistener on the MapR server, the MapR user impersonation is not required.
- When the hub connects directly to the MapR server or if the integrate server (this is separate from MapR server) connects to the MapR server.
Login as root user on hub/integrate server and modify the core-site.xml file available in /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/etc/hadoop/ directory as shown below:
<property> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.mapr.hosts</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.mapr.groups</name> <value>*</value> </property> <property> <name>fs.mapr.server.resolve.user</name> <value>true</value> </property>
For more information, refer to MapR Documentation.
Create a file in /opt/mapr/conf/proxy/ that has name of the mapr superuser or any other user. This file can also be copied as shown below,
sudo cp /opt/mapr/conf/proxy/mapr /opt/mapr/conf/proxy/hvrremotelistener_os_user
Export MapR impersonation,
Start hvrremotelistener as hvrremotelistener_os_user
On the MapR server, execute the following using the config command,
maprcli config save -values {};
For more information, refer to MapR Documentation.
To verify this update, execute:
maprcli config load -keys
Restart the MapR CLDB.