Action TableProperties defines properties of a replicated table in a database location. The action has no effect other than that of its parameters. These parameters affect both replication (on the capture and integrate side) and HVR refresh and compare.
This section describes the parameters available for action TableProperties.
Parameter | Argument | Description |
/BaseName | tbl_name | This action defines the actual name of the table in the database location, as opposed to the table name that HVR has in the channel. This parameter is needed if the 'base name' of the table is different in the capture and integrate locations. In that case, the table name in the HVR channel should have the same name as the 'base name' in the capture database and parameter /BaseName should be defined on the integrate side. An alternative is to define the /BaseName parameter on the capture database and have the name for the table in the HVR channel the same as the base name in the integrate database. Parameter /BaseName is also necessary if different tables have the same table name in a database location but have different owners (/Schema parameter). Or if a table's base name is not allowed as an HVR name, e.g. if it contains special characters or if it is too long. If this parameter is not defined then HVR uses the base name column (this is stored in tbl_base_name in catalog hvr_table). The concept of the 'base name' in a location as opposed to the name in the HVR channel applies to both columns and tables, see /BaseName in ColumnProperties. Parameter /BaseName can also be defined for file locations (to change the name of the table in XML tag) or for Salesforce locations (to match the Salesforce API name). |
/Absent | Table does not exist in the database. For example, parameter /Absent can be defined if a table needs to be excluded from one integrate location but included in another integrate location for a channel with parallel integration jobs. | |
/DuplicateRows | Replication table can contain duplicate rows. This parameter only has an effect if no replication key columns are defined for the table in hvr_column. In this case, all updates are treated as key updates and are replicated as a delete and an insert. In addition, each delete is integrated using a special SQL subselect which ensures only a single row is deleted, not multiple rows. When this parameter is used with Integrate/Burst, deleting one row from a set of duplicates on the source leads to the deletion of the complete set of duplicate rows on the target. For example, if a table contains five duplicates of a row on the source and if one of them is deleted, this results in the deletion of all five rows on the target. | |
/Schema | schema | Name of database schema or user which owns the base table. By default, the base table is assumed to be owned by the database username that HVR uses to connect to the database. |
/IgnoreCoerceError | No error will be reported if an error is outside the boundary of a destination data type or if a conversion is impossible because of a data type difference (e.g. string 'hello' must be converted into an integer). Instead, HVR will silently round an integer or date up or down so it fits within the boundary, truncate long strings or supply a default value if a value cannot be converted to a target data type. The default value used for date is 0001 01 01. Since HVR 5.3.1/16, /IgnoreCoerceError is replaced with /CoerceErrorPolicy. | |
/CoerceErrorPolicySince v5.3.1/16 | policy | Defines a policy to handle type coercion error (an error that occurs while converting a value from one data type to a target data type). This policy typically affects all types of coercion errors, unless parameter /CoerceErrorType is defined in the same action. Multiple actions with /CoerceErrorPolicy can be defined to apply different policies to different coercion error types. Available options for policy are:
/CoerceErrorTypeSince v5.3.1/16 | types | This parameter defines which types of coercion errors are affected by /CoerceErrorPolicy. The default (if only /CoerceErrorPolicy is defined) is for all the below coercion errors to be affected. When multiple types are selected, it should be a comma-separated list. Available options for types are:
After adding parameter /CoerceErrorType to a capture location, it is required to run HVR Initialize with options Scripts and Jobs and Table Enrollment to make the change effective. |
/SapUnpackErrorPolicySince v5.7.5/7 | policy | Defines a policy to handle type coercion error during SapUnpack (when Transform /SapUnpack is defined). Type coercion error is an error that occurs while converting a value from one data type to a target data type. This policy typically affects all types of coercion errors, unless parameter /CoerceErrorType is defined in the same action. Multiple actions with /CoerceErrorPolicy can be defined to apply different policies to different coercion error types. Available options for policy are:
/TrimWhiteSpace | Remove trailing whitespace from varchar. | |
/TrimTime | policy | Trim time when converting date from Oracle and SQL Server. Available options for policy are:
/MapEmptyStringToSpace | Convert empty Ingres or SQL Server varchar values to an Oracle varchar2 containing a single space and vice versa. | |
/MapEmptyDateToConstant | date | Convert between Ingres empty date and a special constant date. Value date must have form DD/MM/YYYY. |
/CreateUnicodeDatatypes | On table creation use Unicode data types for string columns, e.g. map varchar to nvarchar | |
/DistributionKeyLimit | int | Maximum number of columns in the implicit distribution key. The default value is 1 (just one column). Value 0 means all key columns (or regular columns) can be used. A table's distribution key can be set explicitly or implicitly. An explicit distribution key can be set by clicking the checkboxes in the table's dialog, or by defining parameter ColumnProperties /DistributionKey. If no explicit distribution key is defined, then HVR uses the implicit distribution key rule. The implicit rule is to use the first N columns; either from the replication key, or (if the table has no replication key) from the regular columns which do not have a LOB data type. Some DBMSes (such as Redshift) are limited to only one distribution key column. |
/DistributionKeyAvoidPattern | patt | Avoid putting given columns in the implicit distribution key. For a description of the implicit distribution key, see parameter /DistributionKeyLimit above. The default value is '' (no column is avoided). If this parameter is defined then HVR will avoid adding any columns whose name matches to the implicit distribution key. So if the table has replication key columns (k1 k2 k3 k4) and /DistributionKeyAvoidPattern='k2|k3' and /DistributionKeyLimit=2 then the implicit distribution key would be (k1 k4). But if /DistributionKeyAvoidPattern='k2|k3' and /DistributionKeyLimit=4 then the implicit distribution key would be (k1 k2 k3 k4). For SAP databases, column 'mandt' is often constant, so parameter /DistributionKeyAvoidPattern=mandt should be used. |
/BucketsCountHive ACID | Number of buckets to be specified while creating a table in Hive ACID. If this parameter is not selected, the default value is 1. | |
/CharacterMapping | rules | Allows replacing some characters (potentially unsupported) in string columns with a replacement sequence. Value rules should be a semicolon-separated list of elements, each with form char>chars. Each char be a literal character or have form \n, \r, \t, \\, \xNN, \uNNNN, \UNNNNNNN (where N is a hex digit). Example;"\n>\\n;\r>\\r;\x00>\\0". Note that the mapping is performed during integration, refresh and also compare, so the HVR compare does not show an earlier mapping as a difference. |
/MapBinary | policy | Controls the way binary columns are mapped to a string. This parameter is relevant only if the location does not support any binary data type (e.g. Redshift) (or) FileFormat /Csv or FileFormat/Json is defined for the location (or) a binary column is explicitly mapped to a string column using ColumnProperties /DatatypeMatch /Datatype. Available options for policy are:
/MissingRepresentationStringSince v5.3.1/5 File Kafka | str | Inserts value str into the string data type column(s) if the value is missing/empty in the respective column(s) during integration. The value str defined here should be a valid input for the column(s) in a target database. When /MissingRepresentationNumeric or /MissingRepresentationDate is used without defining /MissingRepresentationString then a default value (for example, an empty string) is inserted into the string data type column(s) in which the value is missing/empty. Defining /MissingRepresentationString enables HVR to use ColumnProperties/TimeKey without requiring supplemental logging all. |
/MissingRepresentationNumericSince v5.3.1/5 File Kafka | str | Inserts value str into the numeric data type column(s) if value is missing/empty in the respective column(s) during integration. The value str defined here should be a valid input for the column(s) in a target database. When /MissingRepresentationString or /MissingRepresentationDate is used without defining /MissingRepresentationNumeric then a default value (for example, 0) is inserted into the numeric data type column(s) in which the value is missing/empty. Defining /MissingRepresentationNumeric enables HVR to use ColumnProperties/TimeKey without requiring supplemental logging all. |
/MissingRepresentationDateSince v5.3.1/5 File Kafka | str | Inserts value str into the date data type column(s) if value is missing/empty in the respective column(s) during integration. The value str defined here should be a valid input for the column(s) in a target database. When /MissingRepresentationNumeric or /MissingRepresentationString is used without defining /MissingRepresentationDate then a default value is inserted into the date data type column(s) in which the value is missing/empty. Defining /MissingRepresentationDate enables HVR to use ColumnProperties/TimeKey without requiring supplemental logging all. |
/ContextSince v5.7.5/6 | ctx | Ignore action unless the Hvrrefresh or Hvrcompare context ctx is enabled. The value must be the name of the context (a lowercase identifier). It can also be specified as !ctx, which means that the action is effective unless context ctx is enabled. One or more contexts can be enabled for Hvrcompare or Hvrrefresh (on the command line with option –Cctx). Defining an action that is only effective when the context is enabled can have different uses. For example, if action TableProperties with parameters /BaseName=other_name and /Context=diff_base is defined, then normally the default base name is used, but if context diff_base is enabled (–C diff_base), then the base name other_name is used. |