Action Capture instructs HVR to capture changes from a location. Various parameters are available to modify the functionality and performance of capture.
For a database location, HVR gives you an option to capture changes using the log-based method (/LogReadMethod) or trigger-based method (/TriggerBased). HVR recommends using the log-based data capture because it has less impact on database resources as it reads data directly from its logs, without affecting transactions, manages large volumes of data and supports more data operations, such as truncates, as well as DDL capture. In contrast, the trigger-based data capture creates triggers on tables that require change data capture, so firing the triggers and storing row changes in a shadow table slow down transactions and introduces overhead.
When defined on a file location this action instructs HVR to capture files from a file location's directory. Changes from a file location can be replicated both to a database location and to a file location if the channel contains table information. In this case any files captured are parsed (see action FileFormat).
If Capture is defined on a file location without table information then each file captured is treated as a 'blob' and is replicated to the integrate file locations without HVR recognizing its format. If such a 'blob' file channel is defined with only actions Capture and Integrate (no parameters) then all files in the capture location's directory (including files in sub-directories) are replicated to the integrate location's directory. The original files are not touched or deleted, and in the target directory the original file names and sub-directories are preserved. New and changed files are replicated, but empty sub-directories and file deletions are not replicated.
Bidirectional replication (replication in both directions with changes happening in both file locations) is not currently supported for file locations. File deletion is not currently captured by HVR.
If Capture is defined on a file location without parameter /DeleteAfterCapture and action LocationProperties /StateDirectory is used to define a state directory outside of the file location's top directory, then HVR's file capture becomes read only; write permissions are not needed.
This section describes the parameters available for action Capture. By default, only the supported parameters for the selected location class are displayed in the Capture window.
Parameter | Argument | Description |
/IgnoreSessionName | sess_name | This action instructs the capture job to ignore changes performed by the specified session name. Multiple ignore session names can be defined for a job, either by defining /IgnoreSessionName multiple times or by specifying a comma-separated list of names as its value. Normally HVR's capture avoids recapturing changes made during HVR integration by ignoring any changes made by sessions named hvr_integrate. This prevents looping during bidirectional replication but means that different channels ignore each other's changes. The session name actually used by integration can be changed using Integrate /SessionName. For more information, see Managing Recapturing Using Session Names. If this parameter is defined for any table with log based capture, then it affects all tables captured from that location. For an example of using action Capture with parameter /IgnoreSessionName, refer to section Examples below. |
/Coalesce | Causes coalescing of multiple operations on the same row into a single operation. For example, an INSERT and an UPDATE can be replaced by a single INSERT; five UPDATEs can be replaced by one UPDATE, or an INSERT and a DELETE of a row can be filtered out altogether. The disadvantage of not replicating these intermediate values is that some consistency constraints may be violated on the target database. This parameter should not be used together with Transform /SapXForm. | |
/NoBeforeUpdate | Do not capture 'before row' for an update unless it is a key update. By default when an update happens HVR will capture both the 'before' and 'after' version of the row. This lets integration only update columns which have been changed and also allows collision detection to check the target row has not been changed unexpectedly. Defining this parameter can improve performance, because less data is transported. But that means that integrate will update all columns (normally HVR will only update the columns that were actually changed by the update statements and will leave the other columns unchanged). If this parameter is defined for any table with log based capture, then it affects all tables captured from that location. | |
/NoTruncate | Do not capture SQL truncate table statements such as TRUNCATE in Oracle and modifymytblto truncated in Ingres. If this parameter is not defined, then these operations are replicated using hvr_op value 5. For DB2 for z/OS, this parameter affects only TRUNCATE IMMEDIATE. HVR will always capture TRUNCATE if used without IMMEDIATE option (this will be replicated using hvr_op value 0). This parameter is not supported for SQL Server. | |
/SupplementalLogging SQL Server | method | Specify what action should be performed to enable supplemental logging for tables. Supplemental logging should be enabled to make log-based capture of updates possible. Valid values for method are:
/LogReadMethod | method | Select method of reading changes from the DBMS log file. This parameter is supported only for certain location classes. For the list of supported location class, see Log-based capture with /LogReadMethod parameter in Capabilities. Valid values for method are:
For MySQL, the default method of reading changes from the DBMS log file is SQL. For Oracle, the SQL method enables capture from LogMiner. For PostgreSQL, prior to HVR version 5.5, the SQL method does not support bidirectional replication because changes will be re-captured and replicated back. For SQL Server, the DIRECT method requires Windows Administrator privileges and reduced permission models are not supported. The SQL method supports reduced permission models but it may require incomplete row augmenting. |
/LogTruncate SQL Server | method | Specify who advances SQL Server transaction log truncation point (truncates the log). Valid values for method are;
/AugmentIncomplete | col_type | During capture, HVR may receive partial/incomplete values for certain column types. Partial/incomplete values are the values that HVR cannot capture entirely due to technical limitations in the database interface. This parameter instructs HVR to perform additional steps to retrieve the full value from the source database, this is called augmenting. This parameter also augments the missing values for key updates.
Valid values for col_type are:
In certain situations, the default behavior changes and setting /AugmentIncomplete can only override the behavior with a 'stronger' value. For DB2 for Linux Unix and Windows, LOB should be selected to capture columns with xml data type. For DB2 for z/OS, the defaultcol_type is LOB and can only be changed to ALL. For SQL Server, capture when /LogReadMethod is set to SQL and tables that contain non-key columns, the defaultcol_type is ALL and can not be changed. For Oracle, capture when /LogReadMethod is set to SQL the defaultcol_type is LOB and can only be changed to ALL. |
/ArchiveLogPath | dir | Instruct HVR to search for the transaction log archives in the given directory. For Oracle, HVR will search for the log archives in the directory dir in addition to the 'primary' Oracle archive directory. If /ArchiveLogOnly parameter is enabled then HVR will search for the log archives in the directory dir only. Any process could be copying log archive files to this directory; the Oracle archiver (if another LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N is defined), RMAN, Hvrlogrelease or a simple shell script. Whoever sets up copying of these files must also arrange that they are purged periodically, otherwise the directory will fill up. For SQL Server, HVR normally locates the transaction log backup files by querying the backup history table in the msdb database. Specifying this parameter tells HVR to search for the log backup files in the dir folder instead. When this parameter is defined, the /ArchiveLogFormat parameter must also be defined. For HANA, HVR will search for the log backups only in the directory dir instead of the default log backup location for the source database. Since HVR 5.7.5/20, HVR will search for the log backups in the directory dir in addition to the default log backup location for the source database. |
/ArchiveLogFormat | format | Describes the filename format (template) of the transaction log archive files stored in the directory specified by the /ArchiveLogPath parameter. The list of supported format variables and the default format string are database-specific. For Oracle, this parameter accepts the following format variables:
For more information about the format variables, refer to the article LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT in Oracle documentation. For Oracle, when this parameter is not defined, then by default HVR will query the database for Oracle's initialization parameter - LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT. For SQL Server, this parameter accepts the following format variables:
HVR uses the %Y, %M, %D, %h, %m, %s and %n values to sort and processes the log backup files in the correct (chronological) order. The combinations of the %Y, %M, %D and %h, %m, %s values are expected to form valid date and time values; however, no validation is performed. Any value that is missing from the format string is considered to be 0. When sorting the files comparison is done in the following order: %Y, %M, %D, %h, %m, %s, %n. For SQL Server, this parameter has no default and must be specified if /ArchiveLogPath parameter is defined. For HANA, this parameter accepts the following format variables:
The %s, %e and %t format variables are mandatory. For HANA, this parameter is optional, the default format value is log_backup_%v_%p_%s_%e.%t. |
/ArchiveLogOnly | Capture data from archived redo files in directory defined by /ArchiveLogPath only and do not read anything from online redo files or the 'primary' archive destination. This allows the HVR process to reside on a different machine than the Oracle DBMS or SQL Server and read changes from files that are sent to it by some remote file copy mechanism (e.g. FTP). The capture job still needs an SQL connection to the database for accessing dictionary tables, but this can be a regular connection. Replication in this mode can have longer delays in comparison with the 'online' mode. For Oracle, to control the delays it is possible to force Oracle to issue an archive once per predefined period of time. For Oracle RAC systems, delays are defined by the slowest or the least busy node. This is because archives from all threads have to be merged by SCNs in order to generate replicated data flow. For SQL Server, it is possible to control this delay by HVR_MSSQL_ZREAD_ARCHIVE_SCAN_INTERVAL environment variable. | |
/XLogDirectory | dir | Directory containing current PostgreSQL xlog files. |
/LogJournal Db2 for i | schema.journal | Capture from specified DB2 for i journal. Both the schema (library) of the journal and the journal name should be specified (separated by a dot). This parameter is mandatory for DB2 for i. All tables in a channel should use the same journal. Use different channels for tables associated with different journals. If this parameter is defined for any table, then it affects all tables captured from that location. |
/LogJournalSysSeq Db2 for i | Capture from journal using *SYSSEQ. This parameter requires /LogJournal. | |
/CheckpointFrequency | secs | Checkpointing frequency in seconds for long running transactions, so the capture job can recover quickly when it restarts. Value secs is the interval (in seconds) at which the capture job creates checkpoints. The default frequency (when /CheckpointFrequency is not defined) is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Value 0 means no checkpoints are written. Without checkpoints, capture jobs must rewind back to the start of the oldest open transaction, which can take a long time and may require access to many old DBMS log files (e.g. archive files). The checkpoints are written into directory $HVR_CONFIG/capckp/hub/chn. If a transaction continues to make changes for a long period then successive checkpoints will not rewrite its same changes each time; instead the checkpoint will only write new changes for that transaction; for older changes it will reuse files written by earlier checkpoints. Only long-running transactions are saved in the checkpoint. For example if the checkpoint frequency is each 5 minutes but users always do an SQL commit within 4 minutes then checkpoints will never be written. If, however, some users keep transactions open for 10 minutes, then those transactions will be saved but shorter-lived ones in the same period will not. The frequency with which capture checkpoints are written is relative to the capture jobs own clock, but it decides whether a transaction has been running long enough to be checkpointed by comparing the timestamps in its DBMS logging records. As consequence, the maximum (worst-case) time that an interrupted capture job would need to recover (rewind back over all its open transactions) is its checkpoint frequency (default 5 minutes) plus the amount of time it takes to reread the amount of changes that the DBMS can write in that period of time. When a capture job is recovering it will only use checkpoints which were written before the 'capture cycle' was completed. This means that very frequent capture checkpointing (say every 10 seconds) is wasteful and will not speed up capture job recovery time. This parameter is supported only for certain location classes. For the list of supported location classes, see Log-based capture checkpointing in Capabilities. |
/CheckpointStorage | STOR | Storage location of capture checkpoint files for quick capture recovery. Available options for STOR are:
Checkpoints are saved in directory $HVR_CONFIG/capckp/ (this can be either on capture machine or hub). If capture job is restarted but it cannot find the most recent checkpoint files (perhaps the contents of that directory have been lost during a failover) then it will write a warning and then rewind back to the start of the oldest open transaction. On busy systems, it is recommended to change this parameter only when there are no existing capture checkpoints, otherwise, there can be performance costs and superfluous warnings when the capture job starts for the first time with new settings. |
/CheckpointRetention | period | Retains capture checkpoint files up to the specified period (in seconds). The retained checkpoint files are saved in $HVR_CONFIG/capckpretain/hub/channel/location (this can be either on capture machine or hub) based on the location defined in /CheckpointStorage. |
/TriggerBased | Capture changes through DBMS triggers generated by HVR, instead of using log-based capture. This parameter is supported only for certain location class. For the list of supported location class, see Trigger-based capture in Capabilities. | |
/QuickToggle | Allows end user transactions to avoid lock on toggle table. The toggle table is changed by HVR during trigger based capture. Normally all changes from user transactions before a toggle is put into one set of capture tables and changes from after a toggle are put in the other set. This ensures that transactions are not split. If an end user transaction is running when HVR changes the toggle then HVR must wait, and if other end user transactions start then they must wait behind HVR. Parameter /QuickToggle allows these other transactions to avoid waiting, but the consequence is that their changes can be split across both sets of capture tables. During integration these changes will be applied in separate transactions; in between these transactions the target database is not consistent. If this parameter is defined for any table, then it affects all tables captured from that location. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. For Ingres, variable ING_SET must be defined to force readlock=nolock on the quick toggle table. Example:
| |
/ToggleFrequency | secs | Instruct HVR's trigger based capture jobs to wait for a fixed interval secs (in seconds) before toggling and reselecting capture tables. If this parameter is defined for any table then it affects all tables captured from that location. If this parameter is not selected, the trigger based capture job dynamically waits for a capture trigger to raise a database alert. Raising and waiting for database alerts is an unnecessary overhead if the capture database is very busy. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. |
/KeyOnlyCaptureTable | Improve performance for capture triggers by only writing the key columns into the capture table. The non key columns are extracted using an outer join from the capture table to the replicated table. Internally HVR uses the same outer join technique to capture changes to long columns (e.g. long varchar). This is necessary because DBMS rules/triggers do not support long data types. The disadvantage of this technique is that 'transient' column values can sometimes be replicated, for example if a delete happens just after the toggle has changed, then the outer join could produce a NULL for a column which never had that value. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. | |
/IgnoreCondition | sql_expr | Ignore (do not capture) any changes that satisfy expression sql_expr (e.g. Prod_id < 100). This logic is added to the HVR capture rules/triggers and procedures. This parameter differs from the Restrict /CaptureCondition as follows:
/IgnoreUpdateCondition | sql_expr | Ignore (do not capture) any update changes that satisfy expression sql_expr. This logic is added to the HVR capture rules/triggers and procedures. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. |
/HashBuckets Ingres | int | Identify the number int of hash buckets, with which the capture table is created. This implies that Ingres capture tables have a hash structure. This reduces the chance of locking contention between parallel user sessions writing to the same capture table. It also makes the capture table larger and I/O into it sparser, so it should only be used when such locking contention could occur. Row level locking (default for Oracle and SQL Server and configurable for Ingres) removes this locking contention too without the cost of extra I/O. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. |
/HashKey Ingres | col_list | Identify the list of columns col_list, the values of which are used to calculate the hash key value. The default hash key is the replication key for this table. The key specified does not have to be unique; in some cases concurrency is improved by choosing a non-unique key for hashing. This parameter requires /TriggerBased. |
/DeleteAfterCapture File/FTP/Sharepoint | Delete file after capture, instead of capturing recently changed files. If this parameter is defined, then the channel moves files from the location. Without it, the channel copies files if they are new or modified. | |
/Pattern File/FTP/Sharepoint | pattern | Only capture files whose names match pattern. The default pattern is '**/*' which means search all sub-directories and match all files. Possible patterns are:
/IgnorePattern File/FTP/Sharepoint | pattern | Ignore files whose names match pattern. For example, to ignore all files underneath sub-directory qqq specify ignore pattern qqq/**/*. The rules and valid forms for /IgnorePattern are the same as for /Pattern, except that 'named patterns' are not allowed. |
/IgnoreUnterminated File/FTP/Sharepoint | pattern | Ignore files whose last line does not match pattern. This ensures that incomplete files are not captured. This pattern matching is supported for UTF 8 files but not for UTF 16 file encoding. |
/IgnoreSizeChanges File/FTP/Sharepoint | Changes in file size during capture is not considered an error when capturing from a file location. | |
/AccessDelay File/FTP/Sharepoint | secs | Delay reading file for secs seconds to ensure that writing is complete. HVR will ignore this file until its last create or modify timestamp is more than secs seconds old. |
/UseDirectoryTime File/FTP/Sharepoint | When checking the timestamp of a file, check the modify timestamp of the parent directory (and its parent directories), as well as the file's own modify timestamp. This can be necessary on Windows when /DeleteAfterCapture is not defined to detect if a new file has been added by someone moving it into the file location's directory; on Windows file systems moving a file does not change its timestamp. It can also be necessary on Unix/Windows if a sub-directory containing files is moved into the file location directory. The disadvantage of this parameter is that when one file is moved into a directory, then all of the files in that directory will be captured again. This parameter cannot be defined with /DeleteAfterCapture (it is not necessary). |
Writing Files while HVR is Capturing Files
It is often better to avoid having HVR capture from files while they are still be written. One reason is to prevent HVR replicating an incomplete version of the file to the integrate machine. Another problem is that if /DeleteAfterCapture is defined, then HVR will attempt to delete the file before it is even finished.
Capture of incomplete files can be avoided by defining /AccessDelay or /IgnoreUnterminated.
Another technique is to first write the data into a filename that HVR capture will not match (outside the file location directory or into a file matched with /IgnorePattern) and then move it when it is ready to a filename that HVR will match. On Windows this last technique only works if /DeleteAfterCapture is defined, because the file modify timestamp (that HVR capture would otherwise rely on) is not changed by a file move operation.
A group of files can be revealed to HVR capture together by first writing them in sub-directory and then moving the whole sub-directory into the file location's top directory together.
- If column hvr_op is not defined, then it default to 1 (insert). Value 0 means delete, and value 2 means update.
- Binary values can be given with the format attribute (see example above).
- If the name attribute is not supplied for the <column> tag, then HVR assumes that the order of the <column> tags inside the <row> matches the order in the HVR catalogs (column col_sequence of table hvr_column).
This section includes an example of using the /IgnoreSessionName parameter.
Using /IgnoreSessionName
HVR allows to run a purge process on an Oracle source location without stopping active replication. Purging is deleting obsolete data from a database. To ensure that the deleted data does not replicate to a target location, the purge process must be started by a database user (e.g. PurgeAdmin) other than the user (e.g. hvruser) under which the replication process is running, and HVR must be configured to ignore the session name of the PurgeAdmin.
The steps for implementing this scenario are as follows:
In a source database, create a new user PurgeAdmin that will run a purge script against this database.
Grant the applicable permissions to user PurgeAdmin, e.g. a privilege to delete rows in another schema:
grant delete any table to PurgeAdmin;
In the HVR GUI, update action Capture defined on the existing channel by adding parameter /IgnoreSessionName:
- Under the Actions pane, double-click a row with action Capture.
- In the Action: Capture dialog, select parameter /IgnoreSessionName and specify the user name 'PurgeAdmin'.
- Click OK.
Re-Initialize the capture job:
- In the navigation tree pane, right-click channel (e.g. chn) and click HVR Initialize.
- In the Options pane, select Script and Jobs and click Initialize. Running HVR Initialize with option Scripts and Jobs (option -oj) will suspend and restart the affected jobs automatically.