Capabilities for Oracle
This section lists the Capabilities of HVR when using 'Oracle'. For more information about the pre-requisites, access privileges, and other configuration requirements, see Requirements for Oracle.
HVR supports the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Capture changes from location (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Log-based capture (capture from DBMS logging system) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Capture from Archive log files only (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9, except on Amazon RDS for Oracle).
- Log-based capture of tables without a primary key (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Direct access to logs on a file system (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9, except on Amazon RDS for Oracle).
- Access to logs using SQL interface (Oracle from version to version 19.9, since HVR 5.3.1/12).
- Log-based capture with /LogReadMethod parameter (Oracle from version to version 19.9).
- Log-based capture of tables with LOB column (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Log-based capture from hidden rowid/RRN column (ColumnProperties /CaptureFromRowId) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Rewind log-based capture to specific time (Hvrinit option -i) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Rewind log-based capture to the beginning of currently active oldest transaction (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Rewind log-based capture to the beginning of currently active oldest transaction for a specific list of tables (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Online refresh using accurate LSN/SCN (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Online refresh skips capture log records early in scanner (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Populates column hvr_cap_user for use in ColumnProperties {hvr_cap_user} substitutions (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Log-based capture of truncate table statements (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Multiple log-based capture jobs can capture from same database (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Capture from tables with basic compression (Oracle from version to version 19.9).
- Capture from tables with compress for all operations' or 'create index ... compress (Oracle from version to version 19.9).
- Capture from tables with lob(...) store as securefile ( deduplicate compress ) (Oracle from version to version 19.9).
- Capture from tables with advanced index compression (Oracle from version 12.2 to version 19.9).
- Capture from tables with advanced row compression (Oracle from version 12.0 to version 19.9).
- Log-based capture checkpointing (action Capture /CheckpointingFrequency) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Hvrlogrelease to preserve journal/archives (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Read archives from an alternative directory (Capture /ArchiveLogPath) (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
- Trigger-based capture (action Capture /TriggerBased) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Capture /QuickToggle (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Boundaries between transactions preserved by trigger-based capture (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Trigger-based capture jobs can be woken by db-event when change happens (Oracle from version 10.0 to version 19.9).
Hub Database
HVR supports Hub database on Oracle.
HVR supports the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Integrate changes into location (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Integrate with /Burst (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Integrate with /BurstCommitFrequency (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Continuous integration (Integrate without /Burst) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Action TableProperties with /DuplicateRows for continuous integration (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Continuous Integrate with /OnErrorSaveFailed (without /Burst) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Action Transform /SoftDelete (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Creation and update of HVR state tables (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Integrate with /DbProc (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
HVR does not support the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Disable/enable database triggers during Integrate (/NoTriggerFiring).
Bi-directional Replication
HVR supports the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Detection of changes made by HVR in a bidirectional channel to prevent loop-back (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- CollisionDetect with Log-based Capture (without /TimestampColumn) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- CollisionDetect with Trigger-based Capture (with Capture /TriggerBased and without CollisionDetect /TimestampColumn) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- CollisionDetect with /TimestampColumn (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
Refresh and Compare
HVR supports the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Hvrrefresh or Hvrcompare from source location (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Hvrrefresh into target location (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Row-wise Hvrrefresh into target location (option -g) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Disable/enable foreign keys and secondary indices during Hvrrefresh (option -F) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Disable/enable constraints check during Hvrrefresh (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Defer foreign keys during Hvrrefresh (option -F) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Disable/enable triggers during Hvrrefresh (option -f) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Replicate database sequences (using action DbSequence) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- Suggestions in GUI for Slice Boundaries using DBMS statistics (Hvrrefresh option -S) (Oracle from version 11.0 to version 19.9, since HVR 5.3.1/21).
- Select data from each table from same consistent moment in time (Hvrrefresh options -Mnow, **-Mscn=**val, **-Mhvr_tx_seq=val, -Mtime) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Select data from each table from same consistent moment in time using a single transaction (and session) with 'serializable' SQL isolation level (Hvrrefresh option -Mserializable) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Enable foreign keys immediately after Hvrrefresh option -Mserializable as done on -Msnapshot and -Mnow (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
Other Capabilities
HVR supports the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Call database procedure dbproc during replication jobs (action AgentPlugin /DbProc) (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- DbObjectGeneration with /IncludeSQLFile (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
- International table and column names where DBMS is not configured with UTF-8 encoding (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Treat DBMS table names and columns as case sensitive if configured (action LocationProperties /CaseSensitiveNames defined) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Reduce width of datatype when selecting or capturing changes (action ColumnProperties /TrimDatatype) (Oracle from version 8.0 to version 19.9).
- Distinguish and support capture from 'materialized views' (Oracle from version 9.2 to version 19.9).
HVR does not support the following capabilities on Oracle:
- Use distribution key for parallelizing changes within a table (ColumnProperties /DistributionKey).