hvrhubconfig [-Rurl]
List all the hubs on the hub server.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] hub
List the hub properties of the hub.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] [-ojsonfile] hub [properties]...
Print the specified hub properties (property...), or all if none are specified.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] [-ijsonfile] hub [property=[value]]...
Set or unset the specific hub properties supplied in the jsonfile and/or directly on the command line.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -a [-ijsonfile] hub [property=value]...
Replace all the existing properties of the hub with a new set of properties supplied in the jsonfile and/or directly set on the command line (property=value...).hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -c [-ijsonfile] hub [property=[value]]...
Create a hub with the specified properties in the jsonfile and/or the properties specified in the command line (property=[value]...).hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -d hub
Drop the hub.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -f hub
Freeze the hub.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -u hub
Unfreeze the hub.hvrhubconfig [-Rurl] -Atype[:name]=[access]... hub
Add or delete Access_List property to the hub (Deprecated in v6.1.5/2
Command hvrhubconfig allows you to create and drop a hub, as well as configure hub properties. If this command is executed without supplying any of the options, it will list all the hubs available on a hub server.
Argument properties
or property
specifies the properties that define the hub configuration. For more information, see section Hub Properties.
This section describes the options available for command hvrhubconfig.
Parameter | Description |
-Atype[:name]=[access] |
Add or delete Access_List property entry.
Omitting access causes all matching access elements to be removed/unset. The following command will add or update the permissions for user hvruser to be HubOwner on hub myhub: hvrhubconfig -A user:hvruser=HubOwner myhub hvrhubconfig -A user:hvruser= myhub |
-a | Replace (delete) all the existing hub properties with a new set of properties. The new set of properties may be supplied directly in the command line ([property=[value]]...) and/or from file jsonfile using parameter The following syntaxes are applicable:
-c | Create a hub. Before creating a hub, you must stop the hub server using command hvrhubserver hvrhubconfig -c myhub hvrhubconfig -i hub_props.json -c myhub |
-d | Delete a hub. Deleting a hub will delete everything associated with that hub. That includes all definition objects, jobs, events, statistics data, files on the disk ($HVR_CONFIG/hubs/hub/ is removed). The hub will be frozen automatically before it is deleted. Deactivating a channel(s) is not required. Exporting hub definition is a good optional step for backup. For example, the following command will drop hub myhub:hvrhubconfig -d myhub |
-Ex | Override automatic encoding/decoding of string properties when reading a property from file using When this option is not used, the Valid values of
-f | Freeze a hub. When you freeze a hub, the hub's scheduler and all running jobs are stopped. In a frozen hub, you cannot run any jobs such as compare, refresh, activate, deactivate. You can freeze a hub when you no longer need it. The main benefit of freezing a hub is to stop resource consumption on the hub server while saving the state, history and configuration of the hub. |
-ijsonfile | Read property values from JSON file hvrhubconfig -a -i hub_props.json myhub |
-ojsonfile | Write properties to JSON file hvrhubconfig -o hub_props.json myhub |
-Rurl | Remote hub server. Access the hub server running on a remote machine, via the REST interface. This option is required for remote CLI access. When using this option, command hvrlogin should be run first, for authentication. For example, the following command will create hub myhub on a remote hub server:hvrhubconfig -R http://node:port -c myhub |
-u | Unfreeze a hub. When you unfreeze a hub, the jobs will return to the state they were at the moment of freezing. It is important to note that if the hub is frozen for an extended period of time, a capture job(s) may not be able to resume from the moment the hub is frozen since the log files were most likely cleared up a while ago. |
This section provides an example of using the hvrhubconfig command.
Example 1. Get hub properties
The following command prints the value of property Hub_Server_URL of hub myhub.
hvrhubconfig myhub Hub_Server_URL
Example 2. Set hub properties
The following command sets property Hub_State to value FROZEN for hub myhub.
hvrhubconfig myhub Hub_State=FROZEN
Example 3. Unset hub properties
The following command unsets property Description of hub myhub.
hvrhubconfig myhub Description=
Example 4. Replace hub properties
The following command replaces the current properties of hub myhub with the properties supplied in the hub_props.json file.
hvrhubconfig -a -i hub_props.json myhub
The following command replaces the current properties of hub myhub with the properties supplied in the hub_props.json file and property Description.
hvrhubconfig -a -i hub_props.json myhub Description=My_old_hub
The properties supplied directly on the command line will override the relevant properties in the hub_props.json file.