hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] hub[chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Show jobs and their statuses.hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] -a hub[chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Show job attributes along with jobs and their statuses.hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] [-d] -A [attribute[=value]]... hub [chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Set or delete (-d) job attribute(s).hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] -d hub[chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Delete jobs and their corresponding attributes and environment variables.hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] -e hub[chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Show environment variables along with jobs and their statuses.hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] [-d] -E [attribute[=value]]... hub [chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Set or delete (-d) environment variables for jobs.hvrjobconfig [-Rurl] -l hub[chn] [chn-task] [job] [SYSTEM]
Show latency information for capture and integrate jobs along with the jobs and their statuses.
The hvrjobconfig command allows you to:
- view jobs and their statuses.
- view and manage job attributes
- view and manage job environment variables
- view job latencies.
The required argument hub specifies the name of the hub containing the jobs, job attributes, and environment variables you want to view or manage.
Command hvrjobconfig without any options shows the list of all jobs on the hub and their statuses.
Use the following arguments to view only the required jobs, job attributes, environment variables, and job latencies or to set/delete only specific job attributes and environment variables:
- chn: related to a specific channel
- chn-task: related to specific task jobs of a channel (task can be: cap, integ, activate, refr, cmp)
- job: related to a specific job
- SYSTEM: related to system-wide job group. This is to set default job attributes, environment variables for all jobs in the hub.
See section Examples for specific usage examples of the hvrjobconfig command.
Command hvrjobconfig corresponds to the Jobs tab in the User Interface.
This section describes the options available for command hvrjobconfig.
Parameter | Description |
-a | Show job attributes in addition to jobs and their statuses. This option cannot be combined with options -A , -E or -d . |
-Aname_args | Set the job attribute. This option is also used in combination with option -d to delete job attributes. |
-d | Delete the specified job and its corresponding job attributes and environment variables. Generally suspending jobs with hvrsuspend is more appropriate than deleting them. |
-e | Show environment variables in addition to jobs and their statuses. This option cannot be combined with options -A , -E or -d . |
-Ename_val | Set the environment variable for the job. This option is also used in combination with option -d to delete environment variables. |
-l | Show latency information for capture and integrate jobs in addition to the jobs and their statuses. This option cannot be combined with options -A , -E or -d . |
-Rurl | Remote hub server. Access the hub server running on a remote machine, via the REST interface. This option is required for remote CLI access. When using this option, command hvrlogin should be run first, for authentication. |
This section provides examples of using the hvrjobconfig command.
Example 1. Show jobs, their statuses, job attributes and environment variables
The following command shows the list of all jobs and their attributes for channel mychannel.
hvrjobconfig -a myhub mychannel
The following command shows the list of jobs and the environment variables set on channel mychannel.
hvrjobconfig -e myhub mychannel
The following command shows all the capture jobs in channel mychannel.
hvrjobconfig myhub mychannel-cap
The following command shows all the refresh jobs in channel mychannel.
hvrjobconfig myhub mychannel-refr
Example 2. Set job attributes
The following command sets job attribute retry_max for job mychannel-activate.
hvrjobconfig -A retry_max=1 myhub mychannel-activate
Example 3. Delete job attributes
The following command deletes job attribute retry_max for job mychannel-activate.
hvrjobconfig -d -A retry_max myhub mychannel-activate
Example 4. Set environment variables
The following command sets environment variable HVR_PROC_TRACE for job mychannel-cap-src.
hvrjobconfig -E HVR_PROC_TRACE=1 myhub mychannel-cap-src
Example 5. Delete environment variables
The following command deletes environment variable HVR_PROC_TRACE for job mychannel-cap-src.
hvrjobconfig -d -E HVR_PROC_TRACE myhub mychannel-cap-src
Example 6. Delete job and its attributes and environment variables
The following command deletes job mychannel-cap-src, its attributes and environment variables (if any).
hvrjobconfig -d myhub mychannel-cap-src