Action Restrict defines that only rows that satisfy a certain condition should be replicated. The restriction logic is enforced during capture and integration and also during compare and refresh.
This section describes the parameters available for action Restrict.
Following are the two tabs/ways, which you can use for defining action parameters in this dialog:
- Regular: Allows you to define the required parameters by using the UI elements like checkbox and text field.
- Text: Allows you to define the required parameters by specifying them in the text field. You can also copy-paste the action definitions from Fivetran HVR documentation, emails, or demo notes.
Parameter | Argument | Description |
CaptureCondition | sql_expr | During Capture, only rows where the condition sql_expr is TRUE are captured. The SQL expression sql_expr can contain the following substitutions:
This parameter does 'update conversion'. Update conversion is when (for example) an update changes a row which did satisfy a condition and makes it into a row that does not satisfy the condition; such an update would be converted to a delete. If however the update changes the row from not satisfying the condition to satisfying it, then the update is converted to an insert. Parameter IgnoreCondition in action Capture has a similar effect to this parameter but does not do update conversion. |
IntegrateCondition | sql_expr | During Integrate, only rows where the condition sql_expr is TRUE are integrated. The SQL expression sql_expr can contain the following substitutions:
A subselect can be supplied. For example exists (select 1 from lookup where id={id}). This parameter is supported only for database locations. For Burst Integrate, this parameter acts as a filter that is applied on the integration. Note that if in a single integrate cycle a row was inserted and subsequently deleted then the row will not be integrated with BURST defined, regardless of the filter. For Continuous Integrate, this parameter performs 'update conversion.' Update conversion occurs when. For example, an update changes a row that previously satisfied a condition, making it into a row that no longer satisfies the condition. In such cases, the update is converted to a delete. However, if the update changes the row from not satisfying the condition to satisfying it, then the update is converted to an insert.
RefreshCondition | sql_expr | During hvrefresh, only rows where the condition sql_expr evaluates as TRUE are refreshed. If parameter CompareCondition is not defined then during compare this parameter also affects which rows are compared. This parameter should not be defined with parameter SliceCondition. This parameter is supported only for database locations or for File locations with Hive External Tables. For Refresh, the effect of this parameter depends on whether it is defined on the source or on the target side.
The SQL expression sql_expr can contain the following substitutions:
CompareCondition | sql_expr | During hvrcompare, only rows where the condition sql_expr evaluates as TRUE are compared. Only these rows are selected for comparison (it can be defined on both databases or just on one). If this parameter is not defined but parameter RefreshCondition is defined then hvrcompare will use RefreshCondition for comparing.
This parameter should not be defined with parameter SliceCondition. The SQL expression can contain substitutions:
SliceCountCondition | sql_expr | During sliced (option -S) hvrrefresh or hvrcompare, only rows where the condition sql_expr evaluates as TRUE are affected. This parameter is allowed and required only for the Count (option num) type of slicing. When using this parameter, it must be defined on both source and target locations. It can be defined using single or multiple action definition. When the syntax/sql expression is same on source and target location, single action definition can be used, else multiple action definition is required. The effect of this parameter depends on whether it is defined on the source or on the target side. If defined on the source side, it affects which rows are selected for refreshing or comparing (select * fromsourcewherecondition). If defined on the target side,
The SQL expression sql_expr can contain the following substitutions:
For example, see hvrrefresh or hvrcompare option -S. It is recommended to define parameter Context when using these substitutions so it can be easily disabled or enabled. |
SliceSeriesCondition | sql_expr | During sliced (option -S) hvrrefresh or hvrcompare, only rows where the condition sql_expr evaluates as TRUE are affected. This parameter is allowed and required only for the Series (option val1[;val2]...) type of slicing. When using this parameter, it must be defined on both source and target locations. It can be defined using single or multiple action definition. When the syntax/sql expression is same on source and target location, single action definition can be used, else multiple action definition is required. The effect of this parameter depends on whether it is defined on the source or on the target side. If defined on the source side, it affects which rows are selected for refreshing or comparing (select * fromsourcewherecondition). If defined on the target side,
The SQL expression sql_expr can contain the following substitution:
For example, see hvrrefresh or hvrcompare option -S. It is recommended to define parameter Context when using these substitutions so it can be easily disabled or enabled. |
HorizColumn | col_name | Horizontal partitioning column. The contents of the column of the replicated table is used to determine the integrate address. If parameter HorizLookupTable is also defined then the capture will join using this column to that table. If it is not defined then the column's value will be used directly as an integrate address. An integrate address can be one of the following:
HorizLookupTable | tbl_name | Lookup table for value in column specified by parameter HorizColumn. The lookup table should have a column which has the name of the HorizColumn parameter. It should also have a column named hvr_address. The capture logic selects rows from the lookup table and for each row found stores the change (along with the corresponding hvr_address) into the capture table. If no rows match then no capture is done. And if multiple rows match then the row is captured multiple times (for different destination addresses). This parameter is supported only for trigger-based capture (Capture_Method=DB_TRIGGER).
A possible alternative for log–based capture channels is to define parameters AddressTo and AddressSubscribe. |
DynamicHorizLookup | Dynamic replication of changes to lookup table. Normally only changes to the horizontally partitioned table are replicated. This parameter causes changes to the lookup table to also trigger capture. This is done by creating extra rules/triggers that fire when the lookup table is changed. These rules/triggers are name tbl__li, tbl__lu, tbl__ld.
Changes are replicated in their actual order, so for example if a transaction inserts a row to a lookup table and then a matching row to the main replicated table, then perhaps the lookup table's insert would not cause replication because it has no match (yet). But the other insert would trigger replication (because it now matches the lookup table row). This dynamic lookup table replication feature is suitable if the lookup table is dynamic and there are relatively few rows of the partitioned replicated table for each row of the lookup table. But if for example a huge table is partitioned into a few sections which each correspond to a row of a tiny lookup table then this dynamic feature could be expensive because an update of one row of the lookup table could mean millions of rows being inserted into the capture table. A more efficient alternative could be to perform an hvrrefresh whenever the lookup table is changed and use parameter RefreshCondition with pattern {hvr_opposite_loc} in the condition so that the refresh is aware of the partitioning. This parameter is supported only for trigger-based capture (Capture_Method=DB_TRIGGER).
A possible alternative for log–based capture channels is to define parameters AddressTo and AddressSubscribe. | |
AddressTo | addr | Captured changes should only be sent to integrate locations that match integrate address addr. The address can be one of the following:
AddressSubscribe | addr | This integrate location should be sent a copy of any changes that match integrate address addr. The address can be one of the following:
SelectDistinct | Filter/ignore duplicate records by performing select distinct instead of select during Hvrrefresh or Hvrcompare. This helps to avoid fatal errors caused by duplicate records during Hvrcompare (applicable only to S3 or HDFS with Hive external tables and failover). This parameter should be enabled only if duplicate records are not relevant. | |
Context | context | Ignore action unless hvrrefresh or hvrcomparecontext is enabled. The value should be the name of a context (a lowercase identifier). It can also have form !context, which means that the action is effective unless context is enabled. One or more contexts can be enabled for hvrcompare or hvrrefresh (on the command line with option -Ccontext). Defining an action which is only effective when a context is enabled can have different uses. For example, if action Restrict with parameter RefreshCondition="{id}>22" and Context=qqq is defined, then normally all data will be compared, but if context qqq is enabled (-Cqqq), then only rows where id>22 will be compared. Variables can also be used in the restrict condition. For example, "{id}>{hvr_var_min}". This means that hvrcompare -Cqqq -Vmin=99 will compare only rows with id>99. |
Horizontal Partitioning
Horizontal partitioning means that different parts of a table should be replicated into different directions. Logic is added inside capture to calculate the destination address for each change, based on the row's column values. The destination is put in a special column of the capture table named hvr_address. Normally during routing each capture change is sent to all other locations which have a Integrate action defined for that row, but this hvr_address column overrides this. The change is sent instead to only the destinations specified.
Column hvr_address can contain a location name (lowercase), a location group name (UPPERCASE) or an asterisk (*). An asterisk means send to all locations with Integrate defined. It can also contain a comma-separated list of the above.
Column Substitution
For DB2 for z/OS, when using the column substitution ({colname}) you must cast the column values to the exact data type, especially for string types like Char, Varchar, and CLOB.
For example, if the column (e.g., column1) has a type varchar(10), using the substitution {column1}='ABC'
may result in the F_JD0274 error during capture. The correct substitution that you need to use is {column1}=varchar('ABC', 10)
. This ensures the expected behavior without encountering errors.
This section describes examples of using the following parameters of Restrict:
Example 1: Using CaptureCondition and RefreshCondition
To replicate only rows of table product having id between 1000000 and 2000000, use parameters CaptureCondition and RefreshCondition.
Also, only rows of table order for products which are in state 16 need to be captured. This is implemented with another CaptureCondition parameter.
Example 2: Using AddressTo and AddressSubscribe
This section describes the examples of using action Restrict with parameters AddressTo and AddressSubscribe.
The following replication configuration is used:
- location group SOURCE having 1 source location src
- location group TARGET having 2 target locations tgt1 and tgt2
Create table (order) on the source location:
create table order ( id number primary key, subid number, name varchar2(15), street varchar2(15), address_to varchar(20));
The address_to column will serve as a field for enforcing the restriction logic during replication, i.e. captured changes will be replicated to one of the target locations based on the values inserted in this column.
Scenario 1
This example requires changes captured from location src to be replicated only to location tgt1. In this case, the integrate address is restricted by the content of the AddressTo parameter set to the {address_to} column defined on the source location src as shown in the screenshot below.
When value 'tgt1' is inserted in the address_to column on the source location, the change should be replicated only to target location tgt1.
SQL> insert into order values (1,1,'Tester','Boardwalk','tgt1');
To verify that the change was replicated correctly, make a selection from both tgt1 and tgt2.
SQL> select * from tgt1.order; ID SUBID NAME STREET ADDRESS_TO ---------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 1 1 Tester Boardwalk tgt1
SQL> select * from tgt2.order; no rows selected
Scenario 2
This example requires changes captured from location src to be replicated to target group TARGET, but only to target location tgt2, even though location tgt1 is also a part of TARGET. In this case, action Restrict with parameter AddressTo should be defined on SOURCE with value set to {address_to} and the integrate address is restricted by the content of the AddressSubscribe parameter set to alias a defined on the target location tgt2 as shown in the screenshot below.
When value a is inserted in the address_to column on the source location, the change should be replicated only to target location tgt2, omitting tgt1:
SQL> insert into order values (5,5,'Tester','Boardwalk','a');
To verify that the change was replicated correctly, make a selection from both tgt1 and tgt2.
SQL> select * from tgt2.order where id = 8; ID SUBID NAME STREET ADDRESS_TO ---------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 8 6 Tester Boardwalk a
SQL> select * from tgt1.order where id = 8; no rows selected
Example 3: Using Subselect on Non-replicated Table in Refresh Condition
This is an example of using action Restrict with parameter RefreshCondition for updating key values from a source table to a target table based on a subset of values from a table in the source that is not included in the channel.
- An Oracle-to-Oracle channel mychannel with the product table on both source and target locations.
- The orders table on the source location that is not in the channel.
Suppose we need to update the values of the prod_id column in the product table with only values falling under a certain subset, such as 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25, from another non-replicated table orders. To achieve this, we will define a sub-query expression for the RefreshCondition parameter, that will select specific values from the orders table on the source even though this table is not in the channel definition.
In the UI, define action Restrict on the source table:
a. On the Channel Details page, click the More Options icon in the top right menu and select View Actions.
b. In the Actions panel, click Add Action in the top-right menu and select Restrict.
c. In the New Action: Restrict dialog, select RefreshCondition and type in the following expression: {prod_id} in (select prod_id from source.orders corr where corr.prod_id in (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)). Click OK.
In the top-right menu of the Channel Details page, click Refresh Data.
In the Refresh Data dialog, click the Tables tab and select the product table.
Click the Refresh Data button at the bottom of the Refresh Data dialog.
When the refresh job starts, a notification appears at the top of the page. Click the View Refresh event link in the notification to open the Event Details page displaying detailed information about the refresh event.