Hvrvalidpw allows customization of how the HVR executable validates the username/password of incoming connections. This overrides the default behavior, which is to validate username/password as operating system credentials. hvrvalidpw is not a command to be executed manually in the command line to authenticate a user; it is only a plugin which is invoked by HVR for authentication. For more information about authentication modes and access control in HVR, see Authentication and Access Control.
HVR distribution includes the following authentication plugins:
For HVR to invoke either of the above mentioned authentication plugins, the respective plugin file should be copied as hvrvalidpw in HVR_HOME/lib/ directory.
LDAP Authentication - Hvrvalidpwldap Plugin
HVR authenticates the incoming username/password by invoking its hvrvalidpwldap plugin.This plugin authenticates a user by validating the credentials stored on LDAP server. This authentication is achieved by using the command file hvrvalidpwldap available in HVR_HOME/lib directory.
This plugin connects to the LDAP server with a search username and password. For Active Directory, it can connect using NTLM authentication. The search connection should have privileges to perform search operations. After establishing a connection with search user, an LDAP search is performed to validate the HVR user. User groups of the validated user also can be fetched from the LDAP server; these groups can be used inside the access control file.
hvrvalidpwldap is not a command to be executed manually in the command line to authenticate a user; it is only a plugin which is invoked by HVR for LDAP based authentication.
Installing Python Environment
HVR requires the LDAP python client module installed for using the LDAP authentication. Perform the following on HVR hub machine:
Install Python (only 2.7.x version is supported). Skip this step if the mentioned python version is already installed in the machine.
Install the following python client module:
pip install ldap3
Enabling LDAP Authentication
To enable LDAP authentication:
Create file HVR_HOME/lib/hvrvalidpwldap.conf to supply the configuration required for connecting to the LDAP server. The configuration file parameters are described in section LDAP Configuration File. An example configuration file hvrvalidpwldap.conf_example is available in HVR_HOME/lib directory.
HVR should use the username/password only for authentication, but must not change from the current operating system user to that login. To achieve this;
In Linux or Unix,
Set user= with a non-root operating system user.
Update the ExecStart from -r to -r -A to prevent changing of user.
Set user= with a non-root operating system user.
Update the server_args from -r to -r -A to prevent changing of user.
Change the user from root to a non-root operating system user.
Update -r in the command as -r -A to prevent changing of user.
- Execute hvrremotelistener with option -A along with -d or -i options.
In Windows,
Execute hvrremotelistener with option -A along with -ac option in the command line. Option -P can also be used along with this command to create the service as non administrator operating system user.
Option -A in hvrremotelistener is available only in CLI (an equivalent GUI option is not available in Create Windows Service dialog).
Also note that using option -ac without option -P may require administrator privileges. In this case, it is recommended to use Run as administrator option while opening the Windows command line terminal.
Copy HVR_HOME/lib/hvrvalidpwldap to HVR_HOME/lib/hvrvalidpw.
HVR only uses a plugin-based authentication system if it detects file hvrvalidpw in directory HVR_HOME/lib. This step activates hvrvalidpwldap plugin for user authentication.
LDAP Configuration File
This section lists and describes the parameters required for configuring the connection to the LDAP server in hvrvalidpwldap.conf.
Parameter | Description |
LDAP_Server | The hostname or address of the LDAP server. Possible values are:
LDAP_Search_User | The credential to perform LDAP search. Possible values are:
LDAP_Search_Password | The password of the LDAP_Search_User. |
LDAP_User_Method | The method to find (search) LDAP users. Possible values are:
Separator / can be replaced with any other non-alphanumeric character. In the example below, %u is replaced with the actual username. |
LDAP_Group_Method | The method to find (search) LDAP user groups. Possible values are:
Separator / can be replaced with any other non-alphanumeric character. In the example below, %U is replaced with found user's distinguished name (DN). |
LDAP_Timeout | Timeout (in seconds) for the LDAP connections and queries. |
LDAP_Error_TraceSince v5.6.5/1 | Show/hide detailed information (to help diagnose configuration problems or error messages) in case of authentication failure. Possible values are: 0 : To disable error tracing. 1 : To enable error tracing. Enabling error tracing will allow unauthorized users to see details of authentication failure. |
For basic Active Directory setup,
LDAP_Server=localhost LDAP_Search_User=self_ntlm LDAP_User_Method=none LDAP_Group_Method=none LDAP_Timeout=10
For basic LDAP setup,
LDAP_Server=localhost LDAP_Search_User=self LDAP_User_Method=none LDAP_Group_Method=none LDAP_Timeout=10
For basic setup with a dedicated lowest-privileged search user,
LDAP_Server=localhost LDAP_Search_User=user:CN=SearchUser,CN=Users,DC=organization,DC=local LDAP_Search_Password=password LDAP_User_Method=search_subtree/CN=Users,DC=organization,DC=local/(&(objectClass=person)(|(cn=%u)(sAMAccountName=%u)(uid=%u))) LDAP_Group_Method=search_subtree/DC=organization,DC=local/(&(objectClass=group)(member=%U))/CN LDAP_Timeout=10
Specify the LDAP_User_Method and LDAP_Group_Method that is appropriate for your LDAP setup.
Private Password File Authentication - Hvrvalidpwfile Plugin
HVR authenticates incoming username/password by invoking its hvrvalidpwfile plugin. This plugin authenticates a user by validating the credentials stored in a private password file. This authentication is achieved by using the command file hvrvalidpwfile available in HVR_HOME/lib directory.
For authentication, this plugin is invoked by HVR without any arguments and supplies the login and password (space separated) on the standard input.
Enabling Private Password File Authentication
To enable Private Password File Authentication:
Create user:
Execute command hvrvalidpwfile username. For example,
perl hvrvalidpwfile user1
Enter password at the prompt and press Enter key.
Repeat steps a and b to create multiple users.
The username and password are stored in HVR_HOME/lib/hvrpasswd. For more information, see Managing Usernames and Passwords.
HVR should use the username/password only for authentication, but must not change from the current operating system user to that login. To achieve this;
In Linux or Unix,
Set user= with a non-root operating system user.
Update the ExecStart from -r to -r -A to prevent changing of user.
Set user= with a non-root operating system user.
Update the server_args from -r to -r -A to prevent changing of user.
Change the user from root to a non-root operating system user.
Update -r in the command as -r -A to prevent changing of user.
- Execute hvrremotelistener with option -A along with -d or -i options.
In Windows,
- Execute hvrremotelistener with option -A along with -ac option in the command line. Option -P can also be used along with this command to create the service as non administrator operating system user.
Copy HVR_HOME/lib/hvrvalidpwfile to HVR_HOME/lib/hvrvalidpw.
HVR only uses a plugin-based authentication system if it detects file hvrvalidpw in directory HVR_HOME/lib . This step activates hvrvalidpwfile plugin for user authentication.
Managing Usernames and Passwords
The command hvrvalidpwfile allows you to manage usernames and passwords. The password is always encrypted and stored in the custom password file hvrpasswd available in HVR_HOME/lib directory.
To create new user or update the password of an existing user:
hvrvalidpwfile usernameThis command prompts to enter password. The password entered in this command is saved for the respective username.
To create new user or update the password of an existing user without displaying prompt to enter password:
hvrvalidpwfile -b *username passwordTo delete an existing user:
hvrvalidpwfile -D username
Custom Hvrvalidpw Authentication
HVR also allows you to supply your own hvrvalidpw authentication plugin. This plugin can be a modified version of hvrvalidpwfile plugin or else you can create your own plugin. The custom plugin file should be named hvrvalidpw and saved in HVR_HOME/lib directory. It should obey the following calling conventions:
- It should read a line of input which will contain the username and password.
- It should exit with code 0 if the username and password is valid. Otherwise, it should exit with code 1.