hvrcheckpointretention - Displays the checkpoint files.
hvrcheckpointretention [-options] checkpointfilepath
Command hvrcheckpointretention displays the checkpoint files available in checkpointfilepath directory. Also, this command with option -p allows you to purge/delete the checkpoints available in checkpointfilepath directory.
This section describes the options available for command hvrcheckpointretention****.
Parameter | Description |
-ppurge_secs | Purge checkpoints older than the specified time in purge_secs. The format for purge_secs can be in any of the following time formats - HH:mm:ss or mm:ss or ss Checkpoints are purged only if there is a checkpoint newer than purge_secs available in checkpointfilepath directory. Example: -p 86400 (purge checkpoints older than 86400 seconds) -p 24:00:00 (purge checkpoints older than 24 hours) |
$ hvrcheckpointretention /hvr/hvr_config/capckpretain/myhub/mychannel/src hvrcheckpointretention: HVR 5.5.6/0 (linux_glibc2.17-x64-64bit) hvrcheckpointretention: Found 2 checkpoints in /hvr/hvr_config/capckpretain/myhub/mychannel/src suitable for a hvrinit re-initialize. hvrcheckpointretention: Oldest checkpoint needs hvrinit rewind timestamp less than 2019-05-17T11:45:49+02:00 (hvr_tx_seq=0x19eb29a00004), and emit timestamp after 2019-05-17T11:45:49+02:00 (hvr_tx_seq=0x19eb29a20001). hvrcheckpointretention: Most recent checkpoint needs hvrinit rewind timestamp less than 2019-05-17T11:46:46+02:00 (hvr_tx_seq=0x19eb2faf0001), and emit timestamp after 2019-05-17T11:46:46+02:00 (hvr_tx_seq=0x19eb2fb10001).