Since v5.5.5/2
hvreventview - Display events from hvr_event and hvr_event_result
hvreventview [-h class] [-u user] [-opts] hubdb
Command hvreventview displays events and their results from the catalog tables - hvr_event and hvr_event_result.
The argument hubdb specifies the connection to the hub database. For more information about supported hub databases and the syntax for using this argument, see Calling HVR on the Command Line.
This section lists and describes all options available for hvreventview.
Parameter | Description |
-bbegin_id | Display only events with event ids newer than begin_id. Value begin_id must have form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.MSECS], YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.MSECS]+TZD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ[.MSECS]. |
-Bbegin_updatedSince v5.5.5/5 | Display only events which were updated since begin_updated. Value begin_updated must have form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.MSECS], YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.MSECS]+TZD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ[.MSECS]. |
-cchn | Display only events for channel chn. This option can be supplied multiple times. |
-C | Display only the current event. This is either the earliest event with state PENDING or, if no such event exists, the latest event with state DONE or FAILED. This option requires -j. |
-eend_id | Display only events with event ids older than end_id. Value end_id must have form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.MSECS], YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.MSECS]+TZD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ[.MSECS]. |
-Eend_updatedSince v5.5.5/5 | Display only events which were updated before end_updated. Value end_updated must have form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.MSECS], YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.MSECS]+TZD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ[.MSECS]. |
-f | Follow mode. Displays events that get updated after hvreventview was invoked. Runs in an endless loop. If specific event ids are specified with -i, then it terminates as soon as all of these events have state DONE. |
-hclass | Location class of the hub database. Valid values for class are db2, db2i, ingres, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver, or teradata. For more information, see Calling HVR on the Command Line. |
-iev_id | Display only event with event id ev_id. This option can be supplied multiple times. |
-jjob_name | Display only events for job job_name. This option can be supplied multiple times. |
-llocSince v5.5.5/5 | Display only event results for either source or target location loc. This option can be supplied multiple times. This option requires -r or -R. |
-Lloc | Display only event results for target location loc. This option can be supplied multiple times. This option requires -r or -R. This option is not available since HVR 5.5.5/5. |
-nres | Display only latest event plus results where one of the results matches res. |
-NnumSince v5.5.5/5 | Display only the number of events specified in num. This option displays only the latest events. For example, if -N5 is supplied then it displays the latest 5 events. |
-oofile | Write output to file ofile instead of displaying it. |
-r | Also display results from events. All results are shown except ones starting whose name starts with '_' (these are advanced/internal). |
-Rres_patt | Display only event results with result names matching res_patt. Value res_patt may contain alphanumerics and any of the symbols '*', '?', '|', '_' and '-'. This option implies -r. To see all results (including advanced/internal results starting with '_') use -R *. |
-sstate | Display only events with state state. Value state may be PENDING, DONE or FAILED. This option can be supplied multiple times. |
-Sbody_patt | Display only events with contents of body matching body_patt. Value body_patt may contain alphanumerics and any of the symbols '*', '?', '|', '_' and '-'. |
-ttbl | Display only event results for table tbl. This option can be supplied multiple times. |
-Ttype_patt | Display only events with event types matching type_patt. Value type_patt may contain alphanumerics and any of the symbols '*', '?', '|', '_' and '-'. |
-uuser[/pwd] | Connect to hub database using DBMS account user. For some databases (e.g. SQL Server) a password must also be supplied. |
To display all pending refresh events for channel test_channel for the 12th of december 2018, use the following;
hvreventview -b "2018-12-12T00:00:00.000Z" -e "2018-12-12T23:59:59.000Z" -c test_channel -s PENDING -T Refresh myhub/myhubpwd
To monitor all compare events as they run, including their results, use the following;
hvreventview -f -T Compare myhub/myhubpwd