Command Reference
This section lists the HVR commands with short description. For more details about a command, click on the command name.
Command | Description |
hvr | HVR runtime engine. |
hvradapt | Select base table definitions and compare with channel information. |
hvrcatalogcreate | Create catalog tables in hub database. |
hvrcatalogdrop | Drop catalog tables from hub database. |
hvrcatalogexport | Export from hub database into HVR catalog document. |
hvrcatalogimport | Import from HVR catalog document into hub database. |
hvrcompare | Compare data in tables. |
hvrcontrol | Send and manage internal control files. |
hvreventtool | Manage (add/edit/change state) events. |
hvrcrypt | Encrypt passwords. |
hvreventview | Displays events and their results. |
hvrfailover | Failover between Business Continuity nodes using replication. |
hvrfingerprint | Display host fingerprint. |
hvrgui | HVR Graphical User Interface. |
hvrinit | Load a replication channel. |
hvrlivewallet | Set passwords to the HVR Live Wallet port. |
hvrlogrelease | Manage DBMS logging files when not needed by log–based capture. |
hvrmaint | Housekeeping script for HVR on the hub machine. |
hvrproxy | HVR proxy. |
hvrrefresh | Refresh the contents of tables in the channel. |
hvrremotelistener | HVR Remote Listener. |
hvrretryfailed | Retry changes saved in fail tables or directory due to integration errors. |
hvrrouterconsolidate | Merge small tx files in router directory. |
hvrrouterview | View or extract contents from internal router files. |
hvrscheduler | HVR Scheduler server. |
hvrsslgen | Generate a private key and public certificate pair. |
hvrstart | Start HVR jobs. |
hvrstatistics | Extract statistics from HVR scheduler log files. |
hvrstats | Gather or output statistics information. |
hvrstrip | Purge/remove HVR installation files. |
hvrsuspend | Suspend (or unsuspend) HVR jobs. |
hvrswitchtable | Schedule merge of one channel's tables into another channel without interrupting replication. |
hvrtestlistener | Test listening on TCP/IP port for HVR remote connection. |
hvrtestlocation | Test connection to HVR location. |
hvrtestscheduler | Test (ping) that the HVR Scheduler is running. |
hvrusagesnapshot | Collect user data. |
hvrvalidpw | Authentication plugin to validate the username/password of incoming connections. |
hvrwalletconfig | Configure HVR hub wallet. |
hvrwalletopen | Open, close a hub encryption wallet and verify the wallet password. |