Error: F_JT0905: Log Start Positioning Error F_JZ1101
The following error appears:
F_JT0905: Log start positioning error F_JZ1101. Capture job unable to locate file sequence for thread 1 which corresponds to hvrload time 2016-02-04 16:24:01. It first resolved time 2016-02-04 16:24:01 to sequence 2945. It then queried {select * from v$log where thread#=1 and sequence#=2945 and status<>'UNUSED'} but no rows were returned. It finally queried {select ... from v$archived\_log where standby_dest='NO' and name IS NOT NULL} (possibly from cache) for {thread\#=1 and sequence\#=2845} but no rows were returned. Perhaps these archive log files have been purged by RMAN. The capture job requires that these files are restored (e.g. from tape); otherwise a new hvrload is required (use option -i to rewind to specific capture time). In future this problem can be avoided either by configuring hvrlogrelease to keep copies of these archive files before RMAN deletes them, or by reconfiguring RMAN to keep these files for longer.
HVR 5: Oracle
This error occurs when HVR's capture still needs an old, archived REDO
file, but that file is already removed, for example, by RMAN. This may happen when the capture job is suspended for some time or is failing.
There are two ways to resolve this issue:
- Restore the old, archived
file from a backup. - Re-initialize the HVR capture job to a more recent time for which the archived
files are still available. This can be achieved with the capture rewind option.
Any missed changes can be recovered using HVR's refresh in online mode.