Error: fivetran_replication_slot Has Last Tracked LSN
The following error appears:
fivetran_prod_replication_slot has last tracked LSN of PostgresLsn{XXX/XXXXXXX} which is ahead of PostgresLsn{XXX/XXXXXXX}?
- Connector: PostgreSQL
- Write-Ahead Log (WAL)
Trigger a historical re-sync.
Alternatively, you can provide the Fivetran Support team with a restart LSN. From there, the team can reset the connector cursors for you. This will avoid the re-sync, though it may introduce data integrity concerns in your destination.
This error means that the last-synced WAL entry no longer exists and Fivetran is unable to resume syncing incremental data from that point in the WAL. This can happen when a source database is migrated.