Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Setup Guide
Follow these instructions to replicate your Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database to your destination using Fivetran.
To connect your Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database to Fivetran, you need:
- PostgreSQL version 9.6 - 17
- Your database's port (usually
) - TLS enabled on your database, if you choose to connect directly to Fivetran. Follow Google Cloud's TLS setup instructions to enable TLS on your database.
Setup instructions
IMPORTANT: Do not perform the Choose connection method step if you want to use Hybrid Deployment for your data pipeline.
Choose connection method
To connect Fivetran to your Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database, do one of the following:
Connect directly (TLS required)
IMPORTANT: You must have TLS enabled on your database to connect directly to Fivetran.
Allow unsecured connections to your database.
Go to your Google Cloud Platform SQL dashboard.
Click on the name of the database that you want to connect to Fivetran.
NOTE: If you plan to create a read replica to connect to Fivetran, then edit the primary database you plan to replicate. The primary database's settings will be propagated to the replica.
In the left menu, go to the Connections tab.
Go to the Security tab.
- If you see Only secured connections are allowed to connect to this instance, click Allow unsecured connections.
- If you see Unsecured connections are allowed to connect to this instance, you do not need to change anything.
Connect using Google Cloud Virtual Machine
Create a Google Cloud Virtual Machine to act as a proxy to connect. Use one of the following options:
Google Cloud SQL Proxy. To set up your GCS Proxy, set up your VM host and add Fivetran's public SSH key to your
file. Install the Google Cloud Proxy on that VM.Certificate forwarding using stunnel
SSH tunneling with client certificates configured
Connect using Google Cloud Private Service Connect
IMPORTANT: You must have a Business Critical plan to use Google Cloud Private Service Connect.
Google Cloud Private Service Connect Beta allows VPCs and Google-hosted or on-premises services to communicate with one another without exposing traffic to the public internet. Learn more in Google Cloud's Private Service Connect documentation.
Follow our Google Cloud Private Service Connect setup guide to configure Private Service Connect for your database.
Configure client certificate (optional) Private Preview
Fivetran supports connecting with a client certificate if you connect through either Private networking or connecting directly.
Expand for instructions
Follow the instructions in the Google Cloud Platform SQL service to create a client certificate.
Download the
files to a secure location. You will need them to configure Fivetran.IMPORTANT: The
files are only available to download during the client certificate creation.In the left menu of your Google Cloud SQL dashboard, go to the Connections tab.
Click Security in the Connections section.
Select Require trusted client certificates under the Manage SSL mode section.
Create read replica (optional)
If you'd like, create a read replica for Fivetran's exclusive use. Using a read replica allows Fivetran to integrate your data without putting unnecessary load on or interrupting the queries running on your primary server. We recommend that you connect a read replica to Fivetran, but it's not required.
If you already have a read replica or want to connect Fivetran to your primary database, skip ahead to Step 3.
Go to your Google Cloud Platform SQL dashboard.
Click on the name of your primary database.
In the left menu, go to the Replicas tab.
Click Create Read Replica.
On the Create read replica page, enter an Instance ID for the replica.
Click Done.
Click Create. It will take a few minutes for the read replica to be created.
Enable database access
Grant Fivetran's data processing servers access to your database.
In your Google Cloud Platform SQL dashboard, click on your primary database or read replica.
In the left menu, go to the Connections tab.
In the Connectivity section, click Add network.
In the New network window, create a network for Fivetran. What you enter in the Network field depends on whether you're connecting directly or using an SSH tunnel.
- If you're connecting directly, enter Fivetran's IPs for your database's region.
- If you're connecting using an SSH tunnel, enter
Click Save. It will take a few minutes for the database to be updated with the new settings.
In the left menu, go to the Overview tab.
In the Connect to this instance section, find your database's public IP address and make a note of it. You will need it to configure Fivetran.
Create user
Create a database user for Fivetran's exclusive use.
Open a connection to your PostgreSQL primary database in a PostgreSQL console (such as a SQL workbench or psql).
Create a user for Fivetran by executing the following SQL command. Replace
with a username and password of your choice.CREATE USER <username> PASSWORD 'some-password';
Grant read-only access
Grant the Fivetran user read-only access to all tables by running the following commands. To grant access to a schema other than PostgreSQL's default public
schema, replace public
with the schema name.
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA "public" TO <username>;
NOTE: The last command makes sure that any future tables will be accessible to Fivetran.
If you want to grant access to multiple schemas, you must run these three commands for each schema.
Restrict access to tables (optional)
If you want to limit Fivetran's access to your tables, grant the Fivetran user access to only the tables that you would like to sync. You must individually grant access to each table that you want to sync. You cannot grant access to all tables and then revoke access for a subset of tables.
Ensure that the Fivetran user has access to the schema that contains your table(s).
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA "some_schema" TO <username>;
Revoke any previously granted permission to all tables in that schema.
Repeat the following command for each table that you want Fivetran to sync.
GRANT SELECT ON "some_schema"."some_table" TO <username>;
By default, any tables that you create in the future will not be accessible to the Fivetran user. To grant access to new tables, run the following command.
Restrict access to columns (optional)
If you want to limit Fivetran's access to the columns in your tables, grant the Fivetran user access to only certain columns. You must individually grant access for each column that you want to sync.
Revoke any previously granted permission to read all columns in that table.
REVOKE SELECT ON "some_schema"."some_table" FROM <username>;
Grant permission to the specific columns you want to sync (for example,
).IMPORTANT: If you chose XMIN as your incremental sync method, you must grant us access to the hidden system column
. While it's not mandatory, you can also grant us access to the hidden system columnctid
to make your initial sync faster.GRANT SELECT (xmin, ctid, some_column, other_column) ON "some_schema"."some_table" TO <username>;
Once you restrict access to columns within a table, the Fivetran user will not have access to any new columns added to that table in the future. To grant access to new columns, you must rerun the command above.
Configure incremental sync method
To keep your data up to date after the initial sync, we use one of the following incremental sync methods. The logical replication and XMIN methods keep a record of recent data changes, which allows Fivetran to update only the data that has changed since our last sync. Fivetran Teleport Sync instead takes snapshots of tables to calculate differences.
TIP: We recommend using logical replication as your incremental sync method because it is faster than XMIN replication and allows Fivetran to detect deleted rows for tables with primary keys. Learn more in our Updating data documentation.
Configure your chosen incremental sync method:
Logical replication
IMPORTANT: You can only enable logical replication if your PostgreSQL version is 10 or later. If you want to use logical replication on a read replica, your PostgreSQL version must be 16 or later.
Logical replication relies on the logical decoding of the PostgreSQL write-ahead log (WAL). Fivetran reads the WAL using the pgoutput
plugin to detect any new or changed data. This plugin replicates data from your custom publication without needing additional libraries. Learn more in our logical replication documentation.
To enable logical replication, follow these steps:
Ensure that your server has ample free space for the logs. Logs that Fivetran has already processed are released. However, logs are not released if replication stops (for example, if we lose access). In this case, logs may accumulate on your server and consume additional storage. The amount of additional disk space consumed by these logs is proportional to the amount of changes committed on the server. If a lost connection can't be resumed quickly enough, you can drop the replication slot, which releases the storage of unconsumed logs. You would then need to do a full re-sync of your connection to reset the cursor in the replication slot.
In your Google Cloud platform SQL dashboard, set the
flag toon
.Click Done to save the change.
Go into your primary Cloud PostgreSQL database as a cloudsqlsuperuser (
by default in Google Cloud SQL).IMPORTANT: If your superuser doesn't have permission to create a replication slot, run the
alter user postgres with replication;
command before you do the following steps.Ensure that the
setting on your server is either0
(the default value to disable the timeout) or greater than5 minute
.NOTE: Do not change the
parameter in your database. If you change thewal_sender_timeout
, it will automatically reset to the default value when your session ends.Create a publication for your tables. If you want, you can create a publication for only certain tables so that you add or remove tables from the publication later on. Only changes from tables in the publication are replicated to Fivetran. Each database can have multiple distinct publications. You must have
privileges or above to run this command.IMPORTANT: The publication name
quoted throughout this guide is used purely as an example. The actual publication name should be unique for every database and cannot start with a number.CREATE PUBLICATION fivetran_pub FOR TABLE table2, table4, table8;
To add or remove a table from a publication, run the following command. You must have the ownership rights over the table(s).
ALTER PUBLICATION fivetran_pub ADD/DROP TABLE table_name;
Alternatively, you can create a publication for all of your tables. However, you cannot remove any table from this publication later on. You must have cloudsqlsuperuser privileges to run this command.
(Optional) You can choose which operations to include in the publication. For example, the following publication includes only
operations.CREATE PUBLICATION insert_only_pub FOR TABLE table1 WITH (publish = 'INSERT, UPDATE');
To add partitioned tables for PostgreSQL version 13 or later, run the following command to enable publish_via_partition_root.
CREATE PUBLICATION fivetran_pub FOR ALL TABLES WITH (publish_via_partition_root=true);
Create a logical replication slot for the database you want to sync by running the following command. You must use the standard output plugin
. Ensure that you are connected to the correct database when you create your replication slot, or your connection will not be able to find the slot.IMPORTANT: You must create a unique replication slot for every connection that uses the same PostgreSQL cluster. Replication slot names cannot start with a number. (The replication slot name
quoted throughout this guide is used purely as an example.)IMPORTANT: You need to create the replication slot after you have created the publication.
SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot('fivetran_pgoutput_slot', 'pgoutput');
NOTE: If your PostgreSQL server version is 16 or later and you want to sync from a standby, create the replication slot in the read replica.
Verify that your chosen tables are in the publication.
SELECT * FROM pg_publication_tables;
Grant the Fivetran user permission to read the replication slot.
Log in as the Fivetran user.
Verify that the Fivetran user can read the replication slot by running the following command. Replace
with your replication slot name andfivetran_pub
with the publication name.SELECT count(*) FROM pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes('fivetran_pgoutput_slot', null, null, 'proto_version', '1', 'publication_names', 'fivetran_pub');
If the query succeeds, then permissions are sufficient.
The XMIN method relies on the hidden xmin
system column that is present in all PostgreSQL tables. With XMIN, Fivetran must scan every table in full to detect updated data. The need for a full table scan can lead to significant processing overhead, especially for large tables. Learn more in our XMIN documentation.
You do not need to do any additional configuration for the XMIN method. However, we recommend that you filter frozen pages from incremental syncs. Filtering makes incremental syncs significantly shorter, which means that we use fewer resources in your source database.
(Optional) To filter frozen pages, run the following commands on your primary database as a superuser:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_visibility;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fivetran.get_all_pages(v_table_name character varying)
pagenumber integer,
all_visible_yn boolean,
all_frozen_yn boolean)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
SECURITY definer
AS $function$
SELECT blkno::int as pageNumber,
all_visible as all_visible_yn,
all_frozen as all_frozen_yn
FROM pg_visibility_map($1::regclass);
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA fivetran TO <username>;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fivetran.get_all_pages TO <username>;
Fivetran Teleport Sync
Fivetran Teleport Sync is a proprietary incremental sync method that can capture deletes without requiring additional setup beyond a read-only SQL connection. Updates are captured using the XMIN system column. Learn more in our Fivetran Teleport Sync documentation.
If you are trying to connect with a standby or read replica, run the following SQL command on your primary database as the Fivetran user:
CREATE AGGREGATE BIT_XOR(IN v bigint) (SFUNC = int8xor, STYPE = bigint);
If you are not connecting with a read replica, you do not need to do any additional configuration. The aggregate that the Teleport mechanism will later use is automatically created for you.
Finish Fivetran configuration
In your connection setup form, enter a Destination schema prefix. This is used as the connection name and cannot be modified once the connection is created.
NOTE: Depending on your selection in the Destination schema names field, we will either prefix the connection name to each replicated schema or use the source schema names instead.
In the Host field, enter your database's IP that you found in Step 3 (for example,
). Alternately, you can also enter your database host's domain (for example,
).Enter your database instance's port number. The port will be
, unless you changed the default.Enter the Fivetran-specific user that you created in Step 4.
Enter the password for the Fivetran-specific user that you created in Step 4.
Enter the name of your database (for example,
).(Hybrid Deployment only) If your destination is configured for Hybrid Deployment, the Hybrid Deployment Agent associated with your destination is pre-selected in the Select an existing agent drop-down menu. To use a different agent, select the agent of your choice, and then select the same agent for your destination.
(Not applicable to Hybrid Deployment) Choose your connection method. If you selected Connect via an SSH tunnel, provide the following information:
- SSH hostname (do not use a load balancer's IP address/hostname)
- SSH port
- SSH user
IMPORTANT: If you connected through a Google Cloud SQL Proxy, use
as the host name and the Google Cloud Proxy's external IP as the SSH host. You must also disable TLS encryption.(Optional for Direct Connection or Private Networking) Open the
file with a text editor or Terminal. Copy all the content between the-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and-----END CERTIFICATE-----
lines, including the lines themselves. Paste the content into the Client public certificate field in the Fivetran connection setup form.(Optional for Direct Connection or Private Networking) Open the
file with a text editor or Terminal. Copy all the content between the-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
and-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
lines, including the lines themselves. Paste the content into the Client private key field in the Fivetran connection setup form.Choose your Update Method. If you selected Logical Replication, enter your database's replication slot and publication name.
In the Destination schema names field, select Fivetran naming or Source naming to determine how the schema names appear in your destination. For more information, see the Schema information section.
(Not applicable to Hybrid Deployment) Copy the Fivetran's IP addresses (or CIDR) that you must safelist in your firewall.
Click Save & Test. Fivetran tests and validates our connection to your Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database. Upon successful completion of the setup tests, you can sync your data using Fivetran.
Setup tests
Fivetran performs the following tests to ensure that we can connect to your Google Cloud PostgreSQL database and that it is properly configured:
- The Connecting to SSH Tunnel Test validates the SSH tunnel details you provided in the setup form. It then checks that we can connect to your database using the SSH Tunnel. (We skip this test if you aren't connecting using SSH.)
- The Connecting to Host Test validates the database credentials you provided in the setup form. The test verifies that the host is not private and then checks the connectivity to the host.
- The Validating Certificate Test generates a pop-up window where you must choose which certificate you want Fivetran to use. It then validates that certificate and checks that we can connect to your database using TLS. (We skip this test if you selected an indirect connection method and then disabled the Require TLS through Tunnel toggle.)
- The Connecting to Database Test checks that we can access your database.
- The Connecting to WAL Replication Slot Test confirms that the database associated with the replication slot matches the name you supplied in the setup form. It then verifies that the replication slot uses the
plugin. Lastly, it makes sure that the Fivetran user has replication privileges. (We skip this test if you selected XMIN or Teleport as your incremental sync method.) - The Checking Configuration Values Test checks a set of WAL-configured values against the recommended settings and detects if they are below the recommended range. (We skip this test if you selected XMIN as your incremental sync method.)
- The Publication Test verifies that the supplied publication name exists in your database. (We skip this test if you selected XMIN as your incremental sync method.)
- The Validating Speed Setup test validates Fivetran can fetch data from your source database quickly enough. During this test, we measure our ability to download sample data from your source database to Fivetran, but we do not perform a historical sync. We start a timer, then download the sample data in memory. We then calculate the connection speed based on how much data we downloaded and how long it took to download. The test shows a warning if the download speed is less than 5MB/sec.
- The XMIN Extensions test checks that the correct extensions are enabled for XMIN. (This test is skipped if you select Logical Replication as your incremental sync method.)
NOTE: The tests may take a few minutes to finish running.
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