Why Does the Refresh or Compare Job Files Get Deleted?
Why does the Refresh or Compare job files get deleted from the HVR_CONFIG/job/hubname/channelname directory?
This can happen if you create multiple Refresh or Compare jobs for the same channel with the default task name.
When a job is scheduled in HVR, a job file is created in the HVR_CONFIG/job/hubname/channelname directory. The job file is named as channelname-refr-source_location-target_location for a Refresh job and channelname-cmp-source_location-target_location for Compare job.
The default task name identifier for the Refresh job is refr and for Compare it is cmp.
For example, you have scheduled a Refresh job for table orders in channel chn1 using default task naming. This job replicates data from an Oracle source on Windows (location name ora) to an Oracle target on Linux VM (location name vmtgt). The job file will be named as chn1-refr-ora-vmtgt.
If subsequent jobs are then scheduled for the same channel using default task naming (refr or cmp), the already existing job will be replaced by the newly scheduled job with the same name. This makes it appear as if the old job is getting deleted.
Create Refresh or Compare jobs with user-defined task names.
For example, when creating a job to Refresh the orders table in channel chn1, supply a unique task name, such as refrords. This will create the job as chn1-refrords-ora-vmtgt. Similarly, when creating a job to Refresh the history table in channel chn1, supply a task name, such as refrhist. This will create the job as chn1-refrhist-ora-vmtgt.
To specify a user-defined task name -
- In CLI, use option -T with the command hvrrefresh and hvrcompare.
- In HVR GUI, enter the name in the Taskname field available under the Scheduling tab of the HVR Refresh and HVR Compare dialog.