Scripts to Check Oracle Database for Log-Based Capture
Are there some scripts I could use to check Oracle Databases for log-based capture?
To facilitate Oracle log-based capture it is very useful to identify whether you may run into challenges. The script below queries the Oracle dictionary and performance views to look for potential issues with data replication.
The script must be run in sqlplus
with DBA privileges.
The script to run
``` Run this script to identify possible issues with source database replication. This script was designed to run on Oracle Database 11gR2 and higher. On a lower version the query for partitioned tables will fail.
Please share the output of this script with your HVR representative.
This script must be run in SQL Plus by a user with DBA privileges.
*********************** HVR Software ***********************/
-- Set sqlplus environment set serveroutput on set long 10000 set pagesize 2000 set linesize 180 set maxdata 10000 set arraysize 1 set trimspool on set timing on alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon-yyyy' ;
set define on
accept filename prompt 'Output file name (default hvr_check_[today].out): ' default 'hvr_check_&_DATE..out'
spool &filename
prompt Database, instance and version information prompt
select inst_id , instance_name , host_name , version from gv$instance order by inst_id ;
prompt prompt prompt Identify whether at least minimal supplemental logging is enabled prompt If not, "alter database add supplemental log data ;" must be run prompt
select name , database_role , supplemental_log_data_min min , supplemental_log_data_pk pk , supplemental_log_data_ui ui , supplemental_log_data_fk fk , supplemental_log_data_all "ALL" from v$database ;
prompt prompt prompt Identify instance settings prompt
col value format a15
select inst_id , name , value from gv$parameter where name in ('db_block_checksum','filesystemio_options') order by inst_id , name ;
prompt prompt prompt Information about redo logs and redo log generation prompt
select , l.thread# , l.sequence# , l.bytes/1024/1024 size_mb , l.status , lf.member from v$log l , v$logfile lf where = order by ;
prompt prompt prompt Information about redo log generation in the last 30 days prompt
break on the_window on fr_dy on to_dy
with hours as ( select rownum - 1 hour from dual connect by level <= 24 ) , days as ( select rownum - 1 day from dual connect by level < 30 + 1 --30 days ) , log_details as ( select thread# , sequence# , first_time , next_time , (next_time - first_time) * 24 * 3600 seconds_span , blocks * block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb from v$archived_log where first_time > sysdate - (select max(day) + 1 from days) ) , start_point as ( select trunc(sysdate,'hh24') start_time from dual ) , hourly_details as ( select s.start_time - - h.hour/24 end_window , s.start_time - - (h.hour + 1)/24 begin_window , l.thread# , l.sequence# , l.mb , case nvl(seconds_span,0) when 0 then -1 else mb / seconds_span end as mbps , case sign(s.start_time - - h.hour/24 - l.first_time) when 1 then 'before' else 'on_or_after' end as first_time_ref_end , case sign(s.start_time - - (h.hour + 1)/24 - l.first_time) when 1 then 'before' else 'on_or_after' end as first_time_ref_begin , l.first_time , case sign(s.start_time - - h.hour/24 - l.next_time) when -1 then 'after' else 'on_or_before' end as next_time_ref_end , case sign(s.start_time - - (h.hour + 1)/24 - l.next_time) when -1 then 'after' else 'on_or_before' end as next_time_ref_begin , l.next_time from hours h , days d , start_point s , log_details l ) , aggregate_hourly_details as ( select hd.begin_window , hd.end_window , trunc(hd.begin_window) + (trunc(to_number(to_char(hd.begin_window,'hh24'))/4)) / 6 as begin_four_hour_window , trunc(hd.begin_window) + (1 + trunc(to_number(to_char(hd.begin_window,'hh24'))/4)) / 6 as end_four_hour_window , hd.thread# , hd.sequence# , hd.mb , hd.mbps , case hd.first_time_ref_begin when 'before' then case hd.next_time_ref_begin when 'on_or_before' then 0 else case hd.next_time_ref_end when 'after' then 3600 * hd.mbps else 3600 * (hd.next_time - hd.begin_window) * hd.mbps end end else case hd.first_time_ref_end when 'before' then case hd.next_time_ref_end when 'on_or_before' then hd.mb else 3600 * (hd.end_window - hd.first_time) * hd.mbps end else 0 end end as mb_contribution , hd.first_time , hd.next_time from hourly_details hd ) select '1) daily' as the_window , to_char(ahd.begin_window,'dd-MON') as fr_dy , to_char(min(ahd.begin_window),'hh24:mi') as fr_hr , to_char(max(ahd.end_window),'dd-MON') as to_dy , to_char(max(ahd.end_window),'hh24:mi') as to_hr , ahd.thread# , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution)),2) as mb_redo , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / 1024),2) as gb_redo , to_char(100 * round(sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / max(sum(ahd.mb_contribution)) over (partition by ahd.thread#),4),'990d00') as "%_MAX" , min(ahd.begin_window) as order_by from aggregate_hourly_details ahd group by ahd.thread# , to_char(ahd.begin_window,'dd-MON') union all select '2) 4-hour increments' as the_window , to_char(greatest(min(ahd.begin_window),ahd.begin_four_hour_window),'dd-MON') as fr_dy , to_char(greatest(min(ahd.begin_window),ahd.begin_four_hour_window),'hh24:mi') as fr_hr , to_char(least(max(ahd.end_window),ahd.end_four_hour_window),'dd-MON') as to_dy , to_char(least(max(ahd.end_window),ahd.end_four_hour_window),'hh24:mi') as to_hr , ahd.thread# , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution)),2) as mb_redo , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / 1024),2) as gb_redo , to_char(100 * round(sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / max(sum(ahd.mb_contribution)) over (partition by ahd.thread#),4),'990d00') as "%_MAX" , (ahd.begin_four_hour_window) as order_by from aggregate_hourly_details ahd group by ahd.thread# , ahd.begin_four_hour_window , ahd.end_four_hour_window union all select '3) hourly (7 days)' , to_char(ahd.begin_window,'dd-MON') as fr_dy , to_char(ahd.begin_window,'hh24:mi') as fr_hr , to_char(ahd.end_window,'dd-MON') as to_dy , to_char(ahd.end_window,'hh24:mi') as to_hr , ahd.thread# , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution)),2) as mb_redo , round((sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / 1024),2) as gb_redo , to_char(100 * round(sum(ahd.mb_contribution) / max(sum(ahd.mb_contribution)) over (partition by ahd.thread#),4),'990d00') as "%_MAX" , ahd.begin_window as order_by from aggregate_hourly_details ahd where ahd.begin_window >= trunc(sysdate) - 7 group by ahd.thread# , ahd.begin_window , ahd.end_window order by the_window , order_by , thread# /
prompt prompt prompt Transaction information prompt Find out how many open transactions there are and how long they are open (oldest transaction first) prompt
col transaction_duration format a45
with transaction_details as ( select inst_id , ses_addr , sysdate - start_date as diff from gv$transaction ) select s.username , to_char(trunc(t.diff)) || ' days, ' || to_char(trunc(mod(t.diff * 24,24))) || ' hours, ' || to_char(trunc(mod(t.diff * 24 * 60,24))) || ' minutes, ' || to_char(trunc(mod(t.diff * 24 * 60 * 60,60))) || ' seconds' as transaction_duration , s.program , s.terminal , s.status , s.sid , s.serial# from gv$session s , transaction_details t where s.inst_id = t.inst_id and s.saddr = t.ses_addr order by t.diff desc /
prompt prompt prompt Schema information prompt Find out what data types are in use in tables not owned by a number of Oracle's default users prompt
col owner format a30 col data_type format a50 break on owner
select case grouping_id(owner, data_type) when 1 then owner || ' TOTAL' when 3 then null else owner end owner , case grouping_id(owner, data_type) when 2 then 'AGG ' || data_type when 3 then 'GRAND TOTAL' else data_type end data_type , count(1) col_count from dba_tab_columns where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' and (owner, table_name) not in ( select owner, view_name from dba_views ) group by cube (owner, data_type) order by owner , data_type ;
prompt prompt prompt Find out if there are partitioned tables prompt
col interval_p format a12 col nested format a6
select owner , partitioning_type , subpartitioning_type , case nvl(interval,'$') when '$' then null else 'YES' end as interval_p , is_nested as nested , count(1) part_tables_count from dba_part_tables where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by owner , partitioning_type , subpartitioning_type , case nvl(interval,'$') when '$' then null else 'YES' end , is_nested order by owner , partitioning_type , subpartitioning_type , case nvl(interval,'$') when '$' then null else 'YES' end , is_nested ;
prompt prompt prompt Database sequences by owner and increment value prompt
select sequence_owner owner , increment_by , count(1) seq_count from dba_sequences where sequence_owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and sequence_owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by sequence_owner , increment_by order by sequence_owner , increment_by ;
break on tablespace_name
prompt prompt prompt Find out which users have segments in encrypted tablespaces (if any) prompt
select e.tablespace_name , e.owner , count(distinct e.segment_name) segment_count from dba_extents e , dba_tablespaces t where e.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name and t.encrypted = 'YES' and e.owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and e.owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by e.tablespace_name , e.owner order by e.tablespace_name , e.owner ;
prompt prompt prompt Data volume information prompt
break on owner
select owner , segment_type , segment_subtype , round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) mb , round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) gb from dba_segments where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by rollup( owner , segment_type , segment_subtype ) order by owner , segment_type , segment_subtype /
prompt prompt prompt Trigger information prompt
col triggering_event format a40
select owner , trigger_type , triggering_event , status , count(1) num_triggers from dba_triggers where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by owner , trigger_type , triggering_event , status order by owner , trigger_type , triggering_event , status ;
prompt prompt prompt Constraint information prompt
select owner , constraint_type , delete_rule , deferrable , deferred , count(1) num_constraints from dba_constraints where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' group by owner , constraint_type , delete_rule , deferrable , deferred order by owner , constraint_type , delete_rule , deferrable , deferred ;
prompt prompt prompt Tables with no primary or unique keys or unique indexes prompt
select t.owner , count(1) num_tables from dba_tables t where (t.owner, t.table_name) not in ( select c.owner, c.table_name from dba_constraints c where c.constraint_type in ('P','U') ) and (t.owner, t.table_name) not in ( select i.table_owner, i.table_name from dba_indexes i where i.uniqueness = 'UNIQUE' ) and t.owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and t.owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' and t.table_name not like 'HVR_%' escape '' group by t.owner order by t.owner ;
prompt prompt prompt Tables with encrypted columns prompt
select owner , table_name , column_name from dba_encrypted_columns where owner not in ( 'ANONYMOUS' , 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' , 'APPQOSSYS' , 'AUDSYS' , 'BI' , 'CTXSYS' , 'DBSNMP' , 'DIP' , 'DVSYS' , 'EXFSYS' , 'FLOWS_FILES' , 'GSMADMIN_INTERNAL' , 'HR' , 'IX' , 'LBACSYS' , 'MDDATA' , 'MDSYS' , 'MGMT_VIEW' , 'OE' , 'OJVMSYS' , 'OLAPSYS' , 'ORACLE_OCM' , 'ORDDATA' , 'ORDPLUGINS' , 'ORDSYS' , 'OUTLN' , 'OWBSYS' , 'OWBSYS_AUDIT' , 'PM' , 'SCOTT' , 'SH' , 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA' , 'SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR' , 'SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR' , 'SYS' , 'SYSMAN' , 'SYSTEM' , 'WMSYS' , 'XDB' , 'XS$NULL' ) and owner not like 'APEX_______' escape '' order by owner , table_name , column_name ;
prompt prompt prompt ** please provide script output &filename to your HVR representative ** prompt
spool off
clear buffer set define off ```