Capabilities for Vector
This section lists the Capabilities of Fivetran HVR when using 'Vector'. For more information about the pre-requisites, access privileges, and other configuration requirements, see Vector Requirements.
HVR does not support Capture changes from location on Vector.
Repository Database
HVR does not support Repository database on Vector.
HVR supports the following capabilities on Vector:
- Integrate changes into location (Vector version 6.0).
- Burst integration (Integrate with parameter Method=BURST) (Vector version 6.0).
- Integrate with parameter BurstCommitFrequency (Vector version 6.0).
- Continuous integration (Integrate with parameter Method=CONTINUOUS) (Vector version 6.0).
- Tables without a key and without TableProperties with NoDuplicateRows for continuous integration (Vector version 6.0).
- ColumnProperties with parameter SoftDelete (Vector version 6.0).
- Creation and update of HVR state tables (Vector version 6.0).
HVR does not support the following capabilities on Vector:
- Append integration into TimeKey (Integrate with parameter Method=APPEND).
- Continuous integrate with parameter OnErrorSaveFailed.
- Disable/enable database triggers during integrate (with parameter NoTriggerFiring).
- Integrate with parameter DbProc.
Bi-directional Replication
HVR does not support Bi-directional Replication on Vector.
Refresh and Compare
HVR supports the following capabilities on Vector:
- hvrrefresh or hvrcompare from source location (Vector version 6.0).
- hvrrefresh into target location (Vector version 6.0).
- Isolated table hvrrefresh (option -i) into target location (Vector version 6.0).
- Row-wise hvrrefresh into target location (option -g) (Vector version 6.0).
- Disable/enable foreign keys and secondary indices during hvrrefresh (option -F) (Vector version 6.0).
- For a table: disable/enable journaling, disable/enable unique/primary constraints, disable/enable volatile secondary indices, support main storage structure during hvrrefresh (Vector version 6.0).
- Identity columns (Vector version 6.0).
HVR does not support the following capabilities on Vector:
- Select more than 4 billion rows during hvrrefresh or hvrcompare.
Other Capabilities
HVR supports the following capabilities on Vector:
- International table and column names where DBMS is not configured with UTF-8 encoding (Vector version 6.0).
- Treat DBMS table names and columns as case sensitive if configured (location property Case_Sensitive_Names) (Vector version 6.0).
- Treat DBMS schema names as case sensitive if configured (location property Case_Sensitive_Names) (Vector version 6.0).
HVR does not support the following capabilities on Vector:
- Use distribution key for parallelizing changes within a table (ColumnProperties with parameter DistributionKey).
- Lossless binary float datatypes. No data loss when transporting float values (because base 2 fractions are never converted to base 10). The values for these datatypes, when selected back from the database, might be slightly different from the ones that were inserted. This leads to Compare differences..