Agent Plugin for MongoDB
Synopsis mode chn loc [userargs]
The agent plugin Hvrmongodbagent enables HVR to replicate data into MongoDB. This agent plugin should be defined in the HVR channel using action AgentPlugin. The behavior of this agent plugin depends on the –options supplied in /UserArgument field of AgentPlugin screen.
This agent plugin supports replication of data in JSON format only and it is mandatory to define action 1=FileFormat /JsonMode=ROW_FRAGMENTS.
This section describes the parameters that can be used with Hvrmongodbagent:
Parameter | Description |
-r | Truncates existing data from target and then recreates table and insert new rows. If this option is not defined, appends data into table. |
Soft deletes the column col_name. |
Environment Variables
The Environment variables listed in this section should be defined when using this agent plugin:
Environment Variable Name | Description |
$HVR_MONGODB_DATABASE | The name of the database on MongoDB server. |
$HVR_MONGODB_HOST | The IP address or hostname of the MongoDB server. |
$HVR_MONGODB_PORT | The port number of the MongoDB server. If this environment variable is not defined, then the default port number 27017 is used. |
$MONGODB_COLLECTION | Support for the special substitutions - hvr_tbl_name, hvr_base_name and hvr_schema. Example: Source database contains a table TEST1. In HVR catalog this table has following names: TEST1 and TEST1_BASE. Destination schema REMOTE_USER (defined using Environment variable $HVR_SCHEMA). So, if $HVR_MONGODB_COLLECTION is defined as {hvr_schema}.{hvr_base_name}_{hvr_tbl_name}_tag, it will be encoded as REMOTE_USER.TEST1_BASE_TEST1_tag. |
Installing Python Environment and MongoDB Client
MongoDB client is required for uploading data into MongoDB from local source and convert it into MongoDB collections. To enable data upload into MongoDB using HVR, perform the following on HVR Integrate machine:
Install Python 2.7.x +/3.x. Skip this step if the mentioned python version is already installed in the machine.
Install the following python client modules:
pip install pymongo (version > 3.0) pip install enum
Use Case
Use Case 1: MongoDB collections with timekey column.
Group Table Action FILE * Integrate /ReorderRows=SORT_COALESCE /RenameExpression="{hvr_integ_tstamp}-{hvr_tbl_name}.json" FILE * FileFormat /Json /JsonMode=ROW_FRAGEMENTS FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_op_val /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_op} /Datatype=integer FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_integ_seq /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_integ_seq} /Datatype=varchar /Length=24 /Key /TimeKey FILE * AgentPlugIn / /Context=!preserve FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-r" /Context=preserve FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_HOST /Value=<host> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_PORT /Value=<port> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_COLLECTION /Value={hvr_tbl_name} FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_DATABASE /Value=<database> In this use case, during the execution of mode refr_write_end,
- If option -r is not defined, then HVR appends new row into MongoDB Collection.
- If option -r is defined, then HVR re-creates MongoDB Collection and inserts new rows.
Tables are mapped to MongoDB collection. Each collection contains documents and each document is mapped to one row from file.
Use Case 2: MongoDB collections with timekey column and static collection name.
Group Table Action FILE * Integrate /ReorderRows=SORT_COALESCE /RenameExpression="{hvr_integ_tstamp}-{hvr_tbl_name}.json" FILE * FileFormat /Json /JsonMode=ROW_FRAGEMENTS FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_op_val /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_op} /Datatype=integer FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_integ_seq /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_integ_seq} /Datatype=varchar /Length=24 /Key /TimeKey FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=table_name /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_tbl_name} /Datatype=varchar /Length=1000 FILE * AgentPlugIn / /Context=!preserve FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-r" /Context=preserve FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_HOST /Value=<host> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_PORT /Value=<port> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_COLLECTION /Value=collection_name FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_DATABASE /Value=<database> Use Case 3: MongoDB collection with softdelete column and dynamic collection name.
Group Table Action FILE * Integrate /ReorderRows=SORT_COALESCE /RenameExpression="{hvr_integ_tstamp}-{hvr_tbl_name}.json" FILE * FileFormat /Json /JsonMode=ROW_FRAGEMENTS FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_is_deleted /Extra /SoftDelete /Datatype=integer FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_integ_tstamp /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_integ_tstamp} /Datatype=timestamp FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-s hvr_is_deleted" /Context=!preserve FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-r -s hvr_is_deleted" /Context=preserve FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_HOST /Value=<host> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_PORT /Value=<port> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_COLLECTION /Value={hvr_tbl_name} FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_DATABASE /Value=<database> In this use case, during the execution of mode refr_write_end,
- If option -r is not defined, then HVR appends new row into MongoDB Collection.
- If option -r is defined, then HVR re-creates MongoDB Collection and inserts new rows.
_id is a special name for the unique document identifier. The extra column _id is built based on key columns in table.
All values are converted to string like {"c1": 100, "c2": "string", "c3": value, "hvr_is_deleted": 1} where c1 and c2 are key columns. So _id will look like {"_id": "100string"}.Use Case 4: MongoDB collection with softdelete column and static collection name.
In case of using static collection names for all tables in channel, a new synthetic key column should be added.
Group Table Action FILE * Integrate /ReorderRows=SORT_COALESCE /RenameExpression="{hvr_integ_tstamp}-{hvr_tbl_name}.json" FILE * FileFormat /Json /JsonMode=ROW_FRAGEMENTS FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_is_deleted /Extra /SoftDelete /Datatype=integer FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=hvr_integ_tstamp /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_integ_tstamp} /Datatype=timestamp FILE * ColumnProperties /Name=table_name /Extra /IntegrateExpression={hvr_tbl_name} /Key /Datatype=varchar /Length=1000 FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-s hvr_is_deleted" /Context=!preserve FILE * AgentPlugIn / /UserArgument="-r -s hvr_is_deleted" /Context=preserve FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_HOST /Value=<host> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_PORT /Value=<port> FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_COLLECTION /Value=collection_name FILE * Environment /Name=HVR_MONGODB_DATABASE /Value=<database>