Heroku Kafka Setup Guide
Follow our setup guide to connect Heroku Kafka to Fivetran.
To connect Heroku Kafka to Fivetran, you need a Heroku Kafka server.
Setup instructions
Create consumer group
Log in to the Heroku CLI.
Create a unique consumer group.
heroku kafka:consumer-groups:create <group_id> --app <your-app-name>
NOTE: If you have a dedicated plan, skip to Step 3.
Get Kafka prefix value
IMPORTANT: Perform this step only if you do not have a dedicated plan.
Get the
value.heroku config:get KAFKA_PREFIX --app <your-app-name>
Save the consumer group ID as
.For example, if
and the consumer group you created isfivetran-group
, the consumer group ID will benorthcanadian-1000.fivetran-group
Get Heroku Kafka credentials
Get Kafka URLs.
heroku config:get KAFKA_URL --app <your-app-name>
Get Kafka trusted certificate, client certificate, and private key and save them in separate
files.heroku config:get KAFKA_TRUSTED_CERT --app <your-app-name> heroku config:get KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT --app <your-app-name> heroku config:get KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY --app <your-app-name>
Finish Fivetran configuration
In the connector setup form, enter your Destination schema name.
Enter the Consumer Group you created Step 1. The consumer group should be unique to a connector to keep data integrity.
Enter your exact server details . (For example, if the server name is
, then enter the server name asec2-10-100-10-10.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9096
.)Select a message type: Json or Text. If you selected Json, select a sync type: Packed or Unpacked.
Select a security protocol: PLAINTEXT or TLS. If you selected TLS, upload the certificates and private key files that you found in Step 3, then enter trust store type and key store type (default value is
).(Hybrid Deployment only) If your destination is configured for Hybrid Deployment, the Hybrid Deployment Agent associated with your destination is pre-selected in the Select an existing agent drop-down menu. To use a different agent, select the agent of your choice, and then select the same agent for your destination.
Click Save & Test. Fivetran will take it from here and sync your Heroku Kafka data.
Fivetran tests and validates the Heroku Kafka connection. On successful completion of the setup tests, you can sync your Heroku Kafka data to your destination.
Setup tests
Fivetran performs the following Heroku Kafka connection tests:
- The Validating TLS Requirements test validates if the files you specified for the Trusted Certificate, Client Certificate, and Client Certificate Key fields are in the
format. We perform this test only if you select TLS as the Security Protocol. - The Connecting to Kafka test validates the connection and checks the accessibility of your Kafka topics.
- The Unpacking JSON Messages test checks whether the connector can successfully fetch and unpack messages from your Kafka topics. We perform this test only if you select Unpacked as the Sync Type.
Related articles
description Connector Overview
settings API Connection Configuration