Self-Hosted Elasticsearch Setup Guide Beta
Follow our setup guide to connect self-hosted Elasticsearch to Fivetran.
To connect your self-hosted Elasticsearch account to Fivetran, you need:
- An Administrator account
- Elasticsearch version 7.10 or above
Setup instructions
Choose connection method
First, decide whether to connect Fivetran to your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance directly or by using an SSH tunnel.
Connect directly
Fivetran connects directly to your Elasticsearch cluster. This is the simplest method.
Connect using SSH
Fivetran connects to a separate server in your network that provides an SSH tunnel to your Elasticsearch cluster.
If you connect using SSH, you will configure your tunnel server's security group to allow Fivetran access and configure your database's security to allow access from the tunnel.
Before you proceed to the next step, you must follow our SSH connection instructions.
Choose authentication method
Fivetran uses two authentication mechanisms to reach your Elasticsearch cluster, basic authentication and API Key.
Basic authentication
For a basic access authentication, you need to provide a user name and password to connect your Elasticsearch cluster to Fivetran.
Create role
In your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance, execute the following command to create a role for Fivetran:
curl -u username:user-password -X POST "domain-endpoint/_security/role/fivetranRole?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"cluster": ["monitor"],"indices": [{"names": ["*"], "privileges": ["view_index_metadata", "read", "monitor"]}]}'
- In the command above, replace
with memorable role name of your choice. - Replace
with the username and password of a user that has full permissions to the cluster and can manage roles. - Replace
with the endpoint URL of your Elasticsearch instance. The endpoint URL must include the port. - In the
field, enter the indices that you want Fivetran to have access to. You can either enter*
to allow Fivetran to access all indices or list specific index names.
Create user
In your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance, execute the following command to create a user for Fivetran's exclusive use:
curl -u username:user-password -X POST "domain-endpoint/_security/user/fivetranUser?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"password": "your-password","roles": ["fivetranRole"], "full_name": "fivetran", "email": ""}'
- In the command above, replace
with a memorable username of your choice. - Replace
with the username and password of a user that has at leastmanage_security
cluster privileges. - Replace
with the endpoint URL of your Elasticsearch instance. The endpoint URL must include the port. - Replace
with a password of your choice. - Replace
with the role you created previously.
API key-based authentication
For an authentication based on an API key, you need to create and provide your API key to connect your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance to Fivetran.
Create API key
In your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance, execute the following command to create an API key for Fivetran's exclusive use:
curl -u username:user-password -X POST "domain-endpoint/_security/api_key?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"name": "fivetran-apikey","role_descriptors": {"fivetran-role": {"cluster": ["monitor"],"indices": [{"names": ["*"], "privileges": ["view_index_metadata", "read", "monitor"]}]}}}'
- In the command above, replace
with the username and password of a user that has at leastmanage_security
cluster privilege. The API key will be created on behalf of this user, so the resultant permissions would be an intersection of the API key permissions and authenticated user's permissions. Make sure the user has the required permissions. - Replace
with the endpoint URL of your Elasticsearch instance. The endpoint URL must include the port. - Replace
with a name of your choice. - Replace
with a name of your choice.
Finish Fivetran configuration
- In the connection setup form, enter a destination schema prefix. This prefix applies to each replicated schema and cannot be changed once your connection is created.
- In the Host field, enter your Elasticsearch instance host's IP (e.g.,
) or domain (e.g.,
). - Enter your Elasticsearch instance's port number.
- Choose your authentication method. If you selected Use API key, provide the API key created in Step 2. If you selected Grant user access, provide the following information:
- Choose your connection method. If you selected Connect via an SSH tunnel, provide the following information:
- SSH hostname (do not use a load balancer's IP address/hostname)
- SSH port
- SSH user
- Copy the Fivetran's IP addresses (or CIDR) that you must safelist in your firewall.
- Click Save & Test. Fivetran tests and validates our connection to your self-hosted Elasticsearch instance. Upon successful completion of the setup tests, you can sync your data using Fivetran.
Setup tests
Fivetran performs the following tests to ensure that we can connect to your self-hosted Elasticsearch and that it is properly configured:
- The Connecting to SSH Tunnel Test validates the SSH tunnel details you provided in the setup form. It generates a pop-up window where you must verify the SSH fingerprint. It then checks that we can connect to your database using the SSH Tunnel. (We skip this test if you are connecting directly.)
- The Validating Elasticsearch Connection Test validates the database credentials you provided in the setup form and checks that we can connect to the host.
- The Validating Certificate Test validates the certificate you want Fivetran to use. It generates a pop-up window where you must choose the certificate. It then checks that we can connect to your database using TLS. (We skip this test if you are connecting using an SSH tunnel and did not choose to require TLS.)
- The Validating Database Type Test checks that your database type matches the connector type. This test will throw a warning if we are unable to validate the database type.
- The Validating Elasticsearch Version Test verifies that your Elasticsearch version is one of the versions that we support. This test will fail if we don't support the version.
- The Validating User Privileges Test validates that the Fivetran user has the necessary privileges to perform a sync.
NOTE: The tests may take a few minutes to finish running.
Related articles
description Connector Overview
account_tree Schema Information