List Hybrid Deployment Agents
Returns list of all Hybrid Deployment Agents within your Fivetran account, along with usage. Optionally filtered to a single group.
Request schema
Query parameters
The Fivetran Group Id.
Header parameters
HTTP: basicAuth
HTTP AuthorizationScheme: basic
GET /v1/hybrid-deployment-agents?groupId=group_id&cursor=SOME_STRING_VALUE&limit=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic REPLACE_BASIC_AUTH
Successful response schema
Response status code
Response status text
The collection of returned items
The unique ID of a Hybrid Deployment Agent.
The name used both as the connection's name within the Fivetran system and as the source schema's name within your group.
The connector type name within the Fivetran system.
The unique identifier for the connection within the Fivetran
Time when this Hybrid Deployment Agent was created.
Hybrid Deployment Agent display name.
The unique identifier for the group within your Fivetran account.
The value of the cursor parameter for the next page
"code": "Success",
"message": "Operation performed.",
"data": {
"items": [
"id": "agent_id",
"usage": [
"schema": "schema_name",
"service": "string",
"connection_id": "connection_id"
"registered_at": "2024-12-01T15:43:29.013729Z",
"display_name": "display_name",
"group_id": "group_id"
"next_cursor": "cursor_value"