List all destinations within account
Returns a list of all accessible destinations within your Fivetran account.
Request schema
Query parameters
Header parameters
HTTP: basicAuth
HTTP AuthorizationScheme: basic
GET /v1/destinations?cursor=SOME_STRING_VALUE&limit=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json;version=2
Authorization: Basic REPLACE_BASIC_AUTH
Successful response schema
Response status code
Response status text
The collection of returned items
The unique identifier for the destination within the Fivetran system
The name for the destination type within the Fivetran system.
Data processing location. This is where Fivetran will operate and run computation on data.
Destination setup status
Shift my UTC offset with daylight savings time (US Only)
(Deprecated) The unique identifier for the hybrid deployment agent within the Fivetran system
The unique identifier for the self-served private link that is used by the connection
The unique identifier for the group within the Fivetran system.
Determines the time zone for the Fivetran sync schedule.
The unique identifier for the hybrid deployment agent within the Fivetran system
The value of the cursor parameter for the next page
"code": "Success",
"message": "Operation performed.",
"data": {
"items": [
"id": "destination_id",
"service": "string",
"region": "GCP_US_EAST4",
"networking_method": "Directly",
"setup_status": "CONNECTED",
"daylight_saving_time_enabled": true,
"local_processing_agent_id": "local_processing_agent_id",
"private_link_id": "private_link_id",
"group_id": "group_id",
"time_zone_offset": "+3",
"hybrid_deployment_agent_id": "hybrid_deployment_agent_id"
"next_cursor": "cursor_value"