Repository Properties
This section lists and describes the repository properties.
A repository property specifies the characteristics/attributes of Fivetran HVR repository. In the Command Line interface (CLI), the repository properties can be set using the command hvrreposconfig.
A property that is automatically discovered by HVR when it connects to a database/location is called discovered property. A user cannot specify/input value into a discovered property.
An array property and map property can store multiple values. The syntax for updating them from the Command Line Interface (CLI) varies.
Deprecated in v6.1.5/2
Argument: access
Description: Enables you to control what tasks a user can perform or access on HVR repository, in some cases user may need administrative rights to perform some tasks or to use some features.
Following are the access types available:
- SysAdmin: User has full access to all hubs in the repository.
- HubCreation: User can create hub.
- ReadMetering: Extract Monthly Active Rows (MAR) consumption/metered usage data of the HVR Hub System.
This is an array property that can store multiple values.
Since v6.1.0/3
Argument: id
Description: ID of the Fivetran account that was used to register the hub system. This is auto generated when registering a hub system with a Fivetran account.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
Since v6.1.0/3
Description: This is a discovered property that stores the name of the Fivetran account that was used to register the hub system.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
Argument: base64
Description: Private key for the HVR Hub System when connecting to an HVR Agent.
Argument: password
Description: Password for the Agent_Client_Private_Key.
Argument: base64
Description: Public certificate for the HVR Hub System when connecting to an HVR Agent.
Since v6.1.5/2
Argument: accesslevel
Description: Enables you to control what tasks all users can perform or access on HVR repository.
The following access levels are supported:
- sysadmin: User has full access to all hubs in the repository.
- hubcreator: User can create hub.
- readmetering: Extract Monthly Active Rows (MAR) consumption/metered usage data of the HVR Hub System.
Example JSON:
All_User_Access={"hubcreator": true}
This is a map property that can store multiple values.
Argument: secs
Description: Time duration in seconds (secs) after which the HVR login session expires. A login session may end when, for example, an authentication token expires due to a password reset.
The default
session expiration time is 604800 seconds (1 week).
Argument: urldesc
Description: This property stores the URL and Description for a bookmark. A bookmark is a shortcut created for easily accessing (frequently accessed) another hub or webpage.
This is an array property that can store multiple values.
Related topics - Manage Hub Bookmarks in UI, Manage Hub Bookmarks in CLI.
Argument: license
Description: Details of the HVR license registered/added for the hub system.
This is a map property that can store multiple values.
Since v6.1.0/3
Argument: state
Description: Result of the last time a license was attempted to be acquired.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
This is a map property that can store multiple values.
Since v6.1.0/3
Description: Frequency of purging the Monthly Active Rows (MAR) data.
By default
, no value is set for this property, which means:
- If you are using Consumption-Based Pricing (CBP), purge all MAR data that is older than one day after it is uploaded.
- If you are using a Subscription-based license, purge all MAR data after 30 days.
If value 0 is set, disable purging; MAR data is never purged.
Since v6.1.0/3
Argument: state
Description: Result of the last time metering/MAR data or usage snapshots were uploaded to Fivetran.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
This is a map property that can store multiple values.
Argument: service
Description: Name of the PAM service used for authenticating the repository users with PAM authentication. The default
is login service.
Argument: user
Description: If this property is set, then sudo is used to elevate privileges to verify the repository users with PAM authentication.
This user must be able to run the following command:
$ sudo -n -u PAM_Sudo_User -- $HVR_HOME/lib/hvrauthpam PAM_Service
Since v6.1.0/3
Argument: key
Description: Access key of the Fivetran registration ID (Registration_Id). This is auto generated when registering a hub system with a Fivetran account.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
Since v6.1.0/3
Argument: id
Description: ID of the hub system's registration with the Fivetran account. This is auto generated when registering a hub system with a Fivetran account.
This property is applicable only for the hub system that is registered with the Fivetran account for Consumption-Based Pricing.
Since v6.1.5/2
Argument: accesslevel
Description: Enables you to control what tasks different users can perform or access on HVR repository, per user.
The following access levels are supported:
- sysadmin: User has full access to all hubs in the repository.
- hubcreator: User can create hub.
- readmetering: Extract Monthly Active Rows (MAR) consumption/metered usage data of the HVR Hub System.
Example JSON:
This is a map property that can store multiple values.
Description: Stores the current wallet configuration in JSON format.
This property is automatically defined by HVR and cannot be manually configured by a user.