Extra Columns for Capture, Fail and History Tables
Capture, Fail, and History tables are created automatically by Fivetran HVR. They are for reference only and cannot be altered manually. These tables contain information about data capture, replication failures, and changes history. Each capture, fail, or history table created by HVR contains columns from the replicated table it serves, plus extra columns. These columns contain information about what the captured operation was and where it must be sent.
The following extra columns can appear in Capture, Fail or History tables:
Column | Datatype | Description |
hvr_address | string | Address of target location for change. Only set if action Restrict is defined with parameter HorizColumn. |
hvr_cap_loc | string | Name of location on which the change was captured. |
hvr_cap_tstamp | normally date, sometimes integer (number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT) | Timestamp of captured change. For log-based capture, this is the time that the change was committed (it did not logically "exist" before that moment). For trigger-based capture, this is when the DML statement itself was triggered. If HVR refresh fills this value, it uses the time that the refresh job started. |
hvr_cap_user | string | Name of the user who performed captured change. Supported only on few DBMSs, see capabilities Populates column hvr_cap_user for use in ColumnProperties{hvr_cap_user} substitutions. |
hvr_colval_mask | string | Mask showing which column values were missing or not updated. For example value –––– m– could mean that log–based capture of an update is missing a value for the second last column of a table. |
hvr_err_msg | long string | Integration error message written into fail table. |
hvr_err_tstamp | date | Time at which integration error occurred. Written into fail table. |
hvr_op | number | Operation type. Values are
A key–update sometimes appears as a before update followed by an after update, but is sometimes converted into a delete followed by an insert. A before non–key update row (hvr_op=4) can be removed by defining action Capture with parameter NoBeforeUpdate. During an on-line refresh, a delete, insert and delete can be 'in-doubt'; these are shown as 10, 11 and 12 respectively. To ignore this 'in-doubt' information, use mod(10) to convert these back to 0, 1 or 2.
hvr_seq | float or byte10 on Ingres, numeric on Oracle, timestamp on SQL Server | Sequence in which capture triggers were fired. Operations are replayed on integrate databases in the same order, which is important for consistency. |
hvr_tx_countdown | number | Countdown of change within a transaction. For example, if a transaction contains three changes, the first change would have a countdown value of 3, then 2, then 1. A value of zero indicates that commit information is missing for that change. |
hvr_tx_id | string | Transaction ID of captured change. This number is unique at any moment (each open transaction has a unique number) but may not be increasing. |
hvr_tx_seq | string | Sequence number of transaction. For log–based capture, this value can be mapped to the Ingres LSN or the Oracle SCN of the transaction's commit statement. |