Classification of Data
Data/information in Fivetran HVR is logically classified so that it can be used and protected more efficiently. The classification of data is based on the sensitivity of the data and the impact it could have on a user or business if that data is accessed without authorization or misused.
All data in HVR belongs to one of the following sensitivity levels (categories):
- Classified includes two sub-categories:
- Secret: Unauthorized access/misuse of data in this category may result in serious risk to a user or business. This category typically includes passwords and private keys used to access/connect to a database or technology.
- Confidential: Unauthorized access/misuse of data in this category may result in a moderate level of risk to a user or business. This category includes user data, e.g. database passwords, key values exposed in error messages, and files such as transaction (TX) files, diff files, intermediate files (created during direct file compare and online compare), or a .coererr file.
- Unclassified: Unauthorized access/misuse of data in this category may result in less risk to a user or business as compared to Classified data. This includes column names, timestamps, change metadata, replication statistics, hostnames, fingerprints, and license hashes.
- Public: Data available to the public. This category includes HVR distribution binaries and product documentation.
Mechanisms To Protect Classified Data
HVR provides the following mechanisms to protect confidential and secret data.
Storage: allows you to save data as is in the storage. Classified data is always stored either wallet-encrypted or at least obfuscated.
Transport Encryption: allows you to encrypt classified data with a transport key before it is transported.
Redact: allows you to redact classified data before it is transported.