How to Choose the Right Database Connection Option
Use Case
You have a database that you want Fivetran to sync data from.
You have read Fivetran’s documentation on connection options but are unsure which option best fits your use case.
Fivetran Recommendation
Direct Connection
- You can provide direct access to your database port
- You want the fastest and the most straightforward solution
SSH Tunnel
- You can't provide direct access to your database port
- You are comfortable allowing Fivetran to open a connection
- You want maximum security with the least complexity
Reverse SSH Tunnel
- You can't provide direct access to your database port
- You can't provide direct access to any instance port
- You want to open the connection to Fivetran
- You want the most security and control, but you don't want to set up a VPN
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- You can't provide any access to your environment over the Internet
- An SSH solution is not suitable for your complex and multi-layered network map
- You want to set up a VPN
- You can accept the latency of a VPN
AWS PrivateLink
AWS PrivateLink allows VPCs and AWS-hosted or on-premises services to communicate with one another without exposing traffic to the public internet. PrivateLink is the most secure connection method. For more information, see our AWS PrivateLink documentation.
Azure Private Link
Azure Private Link allows Virtual Networks (VNets) and Azure-hosted or on-premises services to communicate with one another without exposing traffic to the public internet.For more information, see our Azure Private Link documentation.
- SSH tunnels are only available on the Standard pricing plan and above
- Reverse SSH tunnels are only available on the Standard pricing plan and above
- VPNs are only available on the Enterprise pricing plan
- AWS PrivateLink is only available on the Business Critical plan