New Connection Free Use Period
Once your 14-day free account trial has ended and your account is active, every new connection gets a 14-days free trial.
A new connection's 14-day free use period begins when a connection completes its initial sync or, in some cases (for example, priority-first connectors), when it starts an incremental sync and the system detects incremental data. This free use period automatically applies to all new connections, irrespective of the connector type. You can have multiple new connection free use periods running simultaneously in your account.
Any usage from a connection that is active within the free use period is free for those 14 days. You get one 14-day free use period per connection. Every connection that was created during your 14-day account trial stays free until the end of its 14-day connection free use period, when it is converted to a paying (non-free) connection.
MAR and usage estimate
We provide a MAR and usage estimate during the free use period so that you can see what your new connections may cost. After the first seven continuous days of the connection's activity, you will receive an estimate of your monthly usage and MAR for the connection. For example, if you create a connection on September 29 and use it continuously, your estimate will be available on October 6.
NOTE: We strongly advise that you do not pause a connection during the free use period because if you do, we will not have enough consumption data to provide an estimate in a timely manner.
The MAR and usage estimate is a range that includes your new connections's estimated MAR, along with a 20% margin above and below the estimated value. For example, if your connection's estimated MAR is 55M, you will see an estimate of 44M-66M. This margin of error accounts for the differences you may see in your actual consumption.
To calculate the MAR and usage estimate, we apply a predictive model to the connection's incremental usage and the growth rate of your MAR during the first seven days of the free use period. We do not include re-syncs or initial syncs in the calculation. We developed this predictive model using historical data across all our customers and their connections to ensure its accuracy. To learn more, see our pricing documentation.
View free use status in Fivetran
On the Status page of your Fivetran dashboard, you can see general information about the free use period in the free use period chart. This chart can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the arrow-down or arrow-up button, respectively.
The free use period chart displays the following information:
The number of days left until the end of the free use period.
The monthly MAR and usage estimates, available after seven continuous days of use. These seven days are used to gather the daily MAR and usage data we require to calculate the estimates. If your estimate is not ready yet, this field displays the number of days before the estimate is available.
The free use period end date.
A Keep this connection running after the free use period toggle that lets you either keep your connection running after the free use period or pause it once the free use period is over.
Our New Connection Free Use Period allows all customers to experience the Fivetran platform firsthand, and become familiar with our usage-based pricing model and each new connector’s capabilities as it is added. Customers get one 14-day free use period per connection. However, Fivetran prohibits customer attempts to use the New Connection Free Use Period (and free trial period) to disguise usage that should be paid as free use of Fivetran products and services.
For example, customers may not delete and recreate connections (from the same source to the same destination) to create the appearance of new connections when they aren’t. Upon discovering conduct that Fivetran deems, in its sole reasonable discretion, a violation of this limit, Fivetran may charge customers for such nonconforming use and take any other measures set forth in the Agreement between the parties.