How Do Re-imported Tables Count towards MAR?
How do re-imported tables count towards monthly active rows (MAR)?
NOTE: If you've signed an annual contract with Fivetran before March 1, 2025, the rules below do not apply to your account. See our Pre-March 2025 Re-imported Tables documentation instead.
We re-import tables in full during every sync as part of the sync strategy for some of your connections. During a re-import sync, we apply the same logic as for incremental tables and only activate changed rows.
For example, let's say that you have a re-import table with 100 unchanged rows from the previous month. Fivetran syncs all 100 rows, but since there were no changes, they don't count towards MAR. In the next sync, 24 hours later, 20 new rows are added. Fivetran then re-imports all 120 rows, but only the 20 new rows will count towards MAR.
Any re-imported table that is included in an initial sync counts towards free MAR on the day of the initial sync. We charge only for changed rows in re-imported tables that are included in an initial sync.